He wiped the tears and hugged me. But it wasn't the same hug I wanted it to be. He wasn't mine. I began to cry more. Gasping for air whenever I could.

"Breathe jade."

I took in a deep breath, I looked up and ran into the room, and out the hotel. I went out onto the beach. I sat on the sand bringing my knees up to my chest. I just sat staring at the water letting my tears fall. I just wanted to walk into the water and let it take me away. Let myself drown. The water represents my tears and the pain that caused them.

"Hey" I heard Liam say as he sat next to me. He must've seen me run out.


"Listen love, I don't know what your going through but it'll get better. I can tell just by looking at you that your a strong beautiful person. And I know you can make it through."

I looked up at Liam and smiled tears falling again. He really touched my heart with his words.

"Thanks it means a lot." My voice was barely above a whisper. He didn't reply he only held his arms out. I wrapped my arms around him. We let go an he smiled.

"You know, the real reason I accepted to go on this trip is because I thought of it as a get away, from the pain that is. I got hurt too."

"I am so sorry Liam, you know what? I know you can make it through as well. You are handsome, kind hearted, and I can tell your strong. Don't let anyone bring you down hun." I smiled with a playful wink. He chuckled. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened?"

"Well a week ago my ex girlfriend broke up with me. She was in love with my closest friend. And the truth is I'm absolutely in love with her. She was my world my everything but when she left me, That all came crashing down." he looked down.

I saw the sadness in his eyes. I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it in small circles.

"I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I was stupid enough to go fall in love with my best friend"

"What's wrong with that?"

"He's in love with our other best friend. He means everything to me. I'll do absolutely anything for him. He's my home. Even if my own life was at risk I'd still be there for him. Loving him with everything in me while he gives his love to someone else." my voice was a whisper. I started to cry again. I looked up to notice he was too.

"Oh no Liam" my heart literally ached to see him cry. I threw my arms around him. He hugged me back. "I'm here" I whispered in his ear. "I know you don't know me that much but I swear Liam I'm here for you if you ever need me. I won't let you down."

"I'm here for you too" he whispered back. "I promise."

"I promise too" We let go.

"What's his name?"

"Funny story, because it's... its Zayn and the girl is Alice"

He didn't say anything, I can tell he was taken by suprise.

We fell into a comfortable silence, and just cried. How pathetic lol

"Look at us, crying like big babies" he chuckled wiping his tears.

I giggled wiping mine. "I guess we are big babies."

We stood up wiping the sand off our butts. He turned around for a quick second.

"Hey, I just noticed. You have a pancake butt." I laughed.

"Oh now that did it. I'm gonna get you." he chuckled.

I ran away from him and hid behind a rock. I heard him coming closer. SHIT! DONT BREATHE! DONT BREATHE!

I saw a shadow standing over me. FUCK! He picked me up and gently put me on the floor. He began to tickle me. I squirmed all around laughing uncontrollably. I touched his stomach and tickled him back. We were both laying on the floor still laughing after the tickling stopped.

"My stomach hurts" I giggled. "I can't laugh anymore."

"Me either" he chuckled. "Ouch"

He stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"We should go back into the hotel" I said.


"Let's skip instead of walking." I smiled.

We skipped back to the hotel arm in arm. We were laughing at how childish we were being.

"Agent lee, our mission is to get in there and into the suite without being seen."

"Roger that agent jay jay"

"Get out your gun" I used both my hands as a gun. He did the same.

"No one is looking agent jay jay, lets make a run for it."

"To the stairs!"

We ran to the stairs and stopped looking around. Liam went to continue walking but I put my hand up to his chest.

"No we must listen to make sure all is clear"

I signaled him letting him know the coast was clear. We proceeded up the stairs. We both looked at each other and began laughing. Until I bumped into someone. I slowly looked up to see Zayn and the others staring at us. Me and Liam looked at each other with wide eyes.

"ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION!" We both yelled running down the stairs back out onto the beach.

We were hysterically laughing. We fell on the floor clutching our stomachs.

"OMG that was so fun!" I said in between laughs.

"They probably think we are crazy" Liam laughed more.

"Wait wait I think they're coming! Come on let's climb up that rock!"

"Come on get up here!"

"I can't make it go on without me!"

"Grab my hand"

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. For some reason we didn't let go. We laid back on the rock.

"You know, this is a nice view of the sky. Just look at all the stars." I said turning my head to face him.

"Yeah it's nice" he turned his head to face me too.

I turned my head back to the sky.

"LOOK A SHOOTING STAR MAKE A WISH" I closed my eyes and made my wish.

"What'd you wish for?" he asked.

"Tell me yours first"

"Ok how about at the same time."

"1 2 3"

"I wished to find someone like you." we both said and turned to face each other.

Our foreheads were touching. We leaned in a little more and our noses touched. We were so close I almost felt his lips on mine.

Save me (1D fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now