Hermione stared at his eyes, loving that shade of grey. She found herself wondering if anyone could even have a chance of drawing those eyes and capturing that raw beauty. She supposed not; that shade of grey was too rare. Hermione spoke, not wanting to be caught staring at him.

‘Oh. I might just use it for homework.’ Hermione said, waiting for Draco to reply, when he didn't she continued, ‘Right, let's get down to business. We're supposed to tell the prefects to roam the corridors.’

‘I'll do that.’ Draco said and walked out without another word.

Hermione flicked through the daily duties sheet and then sighed, sitting back. She would have to discuss this with Draco when they got back to Hogwarts and assign roles and times. They would have to make a timetable of when the prefects would roam the corridors at night to catch students out of bed.

Hermione let her mind drift off to the various duties that would keep her busy all year. And, of course, those grey eyes that would be her main source of procrastination all year. After a few minutes,  a voice spoke, disturbing her.

‘So, what else?’ Draco asked, coming into the cabin and running a hand through his hair.

Hermione jumped at the voice. Subconsciously, she hadn’t expected Draco to come back here since she thought he would just be bored sitting with her. Draco raised an eyebrow at her jump and Hermione scrambled over her words to form a coherent sentence.

‘You scared me!’ Hermione said finally, placing a hand to her chest, trying to control her fast beating heart.

Draco chuckled; a low, deep, throaty chuckle. He shook his head, his eyes twinkling with nothing but amusement. Hermione’s heart beater even faster at the melodious sound, not really grasping the fact that Draco could even produce such a normal, yet so rare, and beautiful laugh.

Hermione's eyes widened. Draco Malfoy laughed! He was actually laughing! Whoa, there's something wrong with him! Hermione chuckled to herself, still watching him.

‘So what else do we have to do?’ Draco's face once again set to stone as he saw her incredulous face.

‘Nothing else,’ Hermione stated, thinking she might as well start her studying. She fished a book out of her trunk and started reading.

Draco watched her for a second before going to lie down on the sofa. He pushed a pillow behind his head and then let his eyes close, putting his hands behind his head. Hermione couldn't help but stare at him, finding him more interesting than her book for once.

Her eyes grazed over his long and slender legs hanging off the arm of the sofa, and his muscular arms which his shirt emphasised. He had been to change his uniform and wore a school shirt and black trousers. His tie was loose around his neck since he hadn’t bothered to tie it. His neck was long and elegant and his white blond hair was slightly mussed and not slicked back like it's usual self. His long face made him even more handsome. Hermione could picture his stormy grey eyes. When he was laughing his eyes softened considerably but just as quick they turned back to their cold hard side.

‘You can stare at me all you want, Granger,’ Draco opened his eyes suddenly, chuckling that beautiful chuckle again, ‘or, you know, take a picture. I’m not sure people will appreciate your drool.’

‘I wasn't staring!’ Hermione said defensively.

‘No need to deny it,’ Draco winked at her, stretching slightly on the sofa.

‘Where did this sudden burst of confidence come from, Malfoy? I was waiting for you to say something insulting... like mudblood,’ Hermione said, wrinkling her nose a little.

She suddenly felt bad about saying that when Draco’s eyes turned downwards, emphasising his lashes against his cheeks. He let out a shaky sigh and closed his eyes completely, a hint of a frown on his face.

‘Those days are over, Granger. I've decided to change myself,’ Draco said quietly, opening his eyes to look at her, ‘I know what people think of me and that I should be the last person to be considered for the Head Boy position. But I am trying. I’m trying to get rid of my reputation.’

Hermione was quiet for a few minutes, her heart beat increasing. The train tracks could be heard and the wind whirled outside and against the window. She wet her lips, her throat feeling a little closed off, and forced herself to speak.

‘I'm glad you're changing, Draco,’ Hermione offered him a small smile, his name just falling from her lips with ease.

‘Right, Granger, we’re not on first name basis,’ Draco grimaced, putting his feet on the floor and getting up in a lithe motion. He headed for the door and walked out of the compartment, leaving Hermione alone, banging the door shut behind him.


I can't get this close to her! Draco thought angrily, as he walked to another compartment. He didn’t want her to feel sorry for him or anything like that. To pity him. He didn’t need that from her and he definitely didn’t need to get closer to her and be shot down.

Draco loved Hermione, that was very clear to him, but he knew they had no chance together. He knew he should just not talk to her, that he should act like he had in their earlier Hogwarts years. But the fact was that she made him feel so different and he had never felt anything like this before. Not even close to it.

Hermione is not like Pansy in any way, shape, or form. She could make him laugh whereas Pansy... well, Draco and Pansy had a more physical relationship than anything else.

Draco passed many compartments that were all full. Some had couples who sat holding hands or were kissing as though they hadn’t seen their partners for years and years instead of a couple of months, some pupils were talking casually, others were laughing out loud. Like hyenas, Draco thought bitterly.

Draco was making his way towards his friends compartment. The one where he had been before going to get Hermione to meet McGonagall. He wouldn’t necessarily call it his friends compartment since he didn’t think of those people as his friends. He cant really call them friends since he was sure they wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire. Slytherins only thought of themselves. He remembered how he had been, so selfish and arrogant in the earlier years. No wonder Hermione had punched him in their third year. He was furious at that time but now he thought he deserved it. He was such a prat earlier in Hogwarts. Draco was determined to change.

‘Draco!’ Pansy flung herself into Draco's arms as he opened the door to his 'friends' compartment.

Draco resisted flinching away as best as he could and managed to envelope her in a brief hug. He moved away from her as she neared towards him. She really couldn’t take a hint, could she? Draco didn’t want to look at her face and he wondered why he had left Hermione to be here.

‘Draco, what's wrong?’ Pansy asked as her pug face turned into a smile or something that resembled a smile.

‘Nothing at all, just came to check on all of you. Is everything alright?’ Draco said, thinking quickly, he just wanted to run away and go back to Hermione.

‘Everything's fine, why don't you stay, Draco?’ Pansy asked, stepping forward and touching his arm.

Draco flinched away from her touch and gave her the filthiest look he could muster. He felt a sudden surge of anger and staying there wouldn’t help him at all. He glanced briefly at the other Slytherins who were not his friends but just people he could sit with. Draco turned on his heel and walked out of the compartment, having only been there for two minutes.

He slammed the door in Pansy’s pug face.

Draco's Undying Love - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now