Chapter 13

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"This is Hawaii babe!" Niall smiles widely as he looks at Liam's face, pressed to the jet window looking out at the crystal clear ocean water.

"This is beautiful!" He grins, and Niall smiles wider.

"I knew you'd love it."

Liam looks over the ocean, and watches as land comes into view. They sit in their seats, and buckle in preparing to land.

"This will be an amzing trip Niall. How do you even know about this place?" He asks curiously,

"Well my mum used to bring us here every three or four years. Last year was my last year since I turned 18 and she turned 189." He laughs and Liam swats his arm.

"She is NOT 189."

"She's close." He pulls Liam's face to his for a brief kiss before the co-pilot announces that they've landed.

They land at the airport and are escorted to a private chauffeur.

"Hello. Horan and Payne?"

Niall smiles and nods, as the driver takes them to their car.

They drive for about 45 minutes until they reach a small house directly on the beach. Liam's jaw drops as he looks at the small house, as the waves ripple along the shore.

"Niall this is beautiful!"

"Isn't it? I also got us- well you. A surfboard so you can surf." He smiles as the driver pulls up to the house.

"Aloha." He smiles turning around to them, "This is where you exit."

They nod, and Niall goes and retrieves all the bags from the car and struggles to carry all five to the house.

"Need help love?"

Niall shakes his head, "Not at all. Just go in the house and change, your surf suit is on the bed."

"Bed?" Liam asks cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows.

Niall chuckles, "Yes. BED. One Bed."

Liam smiles, "Good. Even if you had gotten two beds, we wouldn't use it. I always want to sleep with you." He whispers the last part as his cheeks heat, and Niall places the bags in front of the bed and places a soft kiss on his forehead.

He watches as a small smile forms on Liam's face before he walks away.

"Change!" He says, stripping to pull on the swim shorts on the couch labeled 'Niall Horan'

He smiles when he sees Liam come out in the super tight swim outfit, a surfboard under his arm.

"You look hot babe." He grins, and Liam turns beet red.


"Ready to go?" Niall asks, jumping to his feet, placing a swift, mesmerizing kiss on Liam's lips.

"Yeah. Let's go!"


Hey guys!

I'm going to try to double update today, thanks for so many reads, I'm getting alot more than anticipated.

Love you guys xx

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