A simple word

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In this wonderful Christmas day, I wake up because I do not feel the heat of your near me.

Going to our kitchen, I see you smiling, relaxed conversation with Olga and stirring the tea. On your a white skirt above the knee, with a black belt, blue shirt, which is unbuttoned at the top and black ballet flats.

I'm like imperceptibly come to you from the side and kissing you in the temple say: «Good morning!».

— Good, — you reply quiet, but I understand that my touching and kissing makes you mad.

— Ah, good morning, sir Herman! Your breakfast is ready, I baked Christmas cookies — Olga began to speak in the spirit of the manner of her communication.

In the kitchen comes joyful Violetta, which begins to greet us. You get up and going up to her, hug her and kiss on the cheek.

— Oh, what a wonderful holiday this Christmas! It is so romantic, — says Vilu, and you're much stronger hug her.

At such moments, I become more happier, realizing how my family is wonderful.

A few hours later you're running away with Violetta walk in the park, chatting about everything. I'm staying at home and discuss the work with Romalia. I become sadder and sadder, I can not be without you less than a minute. I always need you, in your hands,  depthless eyes, sweet lips and soft curls...

You come early enough for dinner, but it seems to me that we have not seen for ages.
Vilu rises up to her room, and you stay in the living room and sit down next to me on the couch. I'm trying to say Romalia with visible gestures that he would let us alone.

— I think I forgot a very important contract to me at home. It seems to me, Herman, we should continue tomorrow, — he says.

— Yes, yes, of course, go, Romalia.

At last we are close together again. You sit in silence and watch somewhere in the floor. I turn to you, I take your gentle hands, and move closer to you, tender kiss you on the neck. You start to smile and deploys your head so that we look into each other's eyes. I have no words and kiss you again, but now on the lips, taking in one hand your face. My other hand was still holding your. You answer to my kiss and our fingers intertwined. After some time, I look into your eyes and then soft hug you.

— Love you, — I whisper in your ear.

— And I... — she whispers to me in response.

And here I do not need any other words. What kind of intense love we have for each other, already explained everything.

The evening comes and you, along with Bel light the garland on the tree.

— Merry Christmas, Dad! — ran up to me Violetta with a small package.

— And you a Merry Christmas, daughter, — I say in reply and hand her a gift.

You continue to stand and admire the tree. I slowly walk up to you and hug you from behind around the waist; I studded in your hair and take you by the hand. A new bracelet suddenly appears on it.

— Thank you, — you turn to me, — I also made you a present, it's in your cabinet.

— Thanks, dear, but you should know, you — my best and favorite Christmas present, — I say sweetly and begin to stroke my hand on your cheek. You close your eyes and I know that you taish in my arms...

Olga is calling us to a celebratory dinner and we sit down at the table. You are beginning to converse with Violetta, Olga and Romalia, laughing; on your face appears magnificent smile, which I fell in love from the moment we first met.

Then we all watch some Christmas movie, but I did not delve into it, and just look at you. You scooted closer to me and I embrace you. Your head laying on my shoulder, you gently breathe out with some relief. I hear Olga sighs, looking at us and whispers: «How wonderful it is all ...». Vilu is also in seventh heaven because it was a dream that I had married her aunt. And more than six months ago, it finally happened and admit honestly: I have never experienced such a passion for someone, commitment and need.

How wonderful that all of this beautiful Christmas Eve, madly happy!

I firmly embrace you and say:

— Merry Christmas, sweetheart...

— Merry Christmas, — you answer, turn your head and we merge in a long kiss in front of everyone.

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