1. Tree Song

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I scream. I scream so loud the birds fly away and the crows scream too. So loud my head started to hurt. My dad told me I was a gay boy. I had to leave. I couldn't just stay there and let him keep taunting me the way he was.

So I left.

And I ran and ran and ran and ran until I found my tree. It was a peg tree. I always had pegs in my pocket so whenever there was something on my mind, I'd come out here and attach a peg to the tree. Today I was here cause my dad.

He just doesn't know how to shut his mouth. He really doesn't cause every time he talks to me, he's either being a homophobic slob or fling me how I should be more manly.

I'm myself and he doesn't like that, so be it but I'm not letting him push me into the ground. Not now, not ever.

I reached up and attached the peg to the trees branch. I sigh and plump myself down on the ground.

I'm feminine, I'm gay. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

I honestly don't even know what makes me gay, I've never had a crush on a guy before. I was just a gay guy. Maybe it was because-nah it couldn't be. I'm just gay.

"You shouldn't talk about your sexuality out loud. Someone could hear you and hurt your feelings." A very American voice said. My eyebrows formed into a frown and my gut got a disgusted feeling.

I turn sound and see a guy.

"Who are you?" I ask him. He steps forward into my sunlight. He, he was gorgeous. "My name is Tyler." He smiles gently and looks down at his feet.

"I'm Josh." I tell him. He looks up. "I know. My brother told me about you. He told me that he said he'd kill you today." He says. What?

"Your brother is the jock that told me he hates gay people?" I ask with probably the most disgusted look on my face.

"And he accepts you?" I add. He cocks his head to the side. "Um what?" He says and walks forward. "Did you call me gay?" He asks. "Answer me." He demands.

"Oh so you're not gay? For a guy with a rainbow wristband and following boys out into a forest, I'd think your pretty gay." I explain.

"Well I can't be gay. Cause I'm on the biggest basketball team in Ohio and if people found out that their star player was gay, I'm really sure I'd be the one getting killed here." He spits.

"Not my problem." I tell him and shrug.

"You're a hypocrite you know? You tell me not to talk about my sexuality out loud but you're fine talking about how you can't be gay." I say ever so bluntly.

"Well it was nice talking to you, Flower Boy." He laughs. "Wow okay. Call me flower boy, hypocritical gay basketball player. Who knows. I might open my mouth about that." I smirk and walk off.

What a fucking jerk.

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