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Great Britain 1774

"...A sacrifice you make today 

Will never be forgotten

A sacrifice you make today 

Will never be mistaken..." 

~ Anders Lim

        Smitty walked somberly into Silver Tankard Inn, walking straight towards the bar. He took a seat at one of the most decent looking bar-stool, greeting his usual bartender, Garfield Hamilton.

"Why hello there Jenson," said Garfield hesitantly," What can I get for 'ye today?" 

"Oh the usual is fine" Smitty said fiddling with his fingers.

"What be the matter with 'ye today?" asked Garfield.

"A lot has been on my mind lately" Smitty mumbles.

"Oh laddy, all 'ye need is a nice, cold whiskey," Garfield said patting Smitty on the back," That'll cheer 'ye right up, nice and quick for sure" Smitty nodded in agreement as Garfield filled a large stein full of whiskey and slid it to Smitty's side of the bar.

        What was taking over Smitty's mind was the welfare of his pregnant, soon-to-be wife. Tomorrow all of the British soldiers are coming together for a mandatory meeting and he is afraid he is going to be deployed. His wife is already 6 months and he is afraid he will not be able to see his newborn baby's birth. But Smitty had a passion, and his passion was to fight. The American colonists and the British have been feuding ever since the French and Indian War and soon there will be another large war epidemic. And he is determined to win victory for his homeland.

                As he was finishing his drink, a group of men came and joined him. As if in unison, they all began greeting him.

"Hey Smitty ol' pal!," yelled a rather plump, messy man with an amber colored beard. Smitty nodded, greeting the man and brushing him off. All of the men were rugged and dirty looking, besides one guy. Noone has ever seen a day when this man was not neatly dressed. Montigue Quentin Cavendish, the most uptight, proper man you will ever meet. 

"Why hello there," Montigue spat,"Smitty." If only looks can kill. Montigue shot daggars at Smitty, flattening out microscopic wrinkles in his neatly steamed suit. Smitty only eyed him, mumblimg a soft "hello". Montigue always intimidated Smitty, and Montigue loves it. 

"How has life been for you?" Montigue asked.

"I'm getting through it," Smitty said plainly.

"Well MY life is going grand. I just got a new position from Chief so I have word in what the meeting will be about tomorrow. Of course I'm not going to tell ANYONE because this is CONFIDENTIAL information ONLY for the headmen."

"That's nice," Smitty said, trying to avoid any further communication with him. Montigue stared long at Smitty, then walked away with his nose pointing high. Smitty was stressed to the max. As he finished his stein, he bid his farewells to everyone and walked to his home.

 "What's gotten into him Hamilton?" asked the men. 

"Laddy is going through it boys..," said Garfield," He's definetaly going through it.."

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