Chapter 2-When Morning Comes

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The next morning Donald wakes up ass naked. He's left with chills from last night. He turns over onto his side to see an empty left side of the bed. Where was MN? What happened to him? He just left? These questions were unanswered for right now as they were flashing threw Donald's head.

Donald springs up and sprints to find pants and a shirt, maybe even some shoes. He runs outside after putting his clothes on and found a note on his doorstep.
"Dear Don,
Sorry I left, I just realized I had cummed inside of you and didn't want to be the baby's daddy."
Donald went back inside and sat down, reevaluating what happened last night. He suddenly started to feel sharp cramps in his stomach. He decided to go to Walgreens and buy a pregnancy test.
  Donald bought the test and ran home.
As he got home he ran into the bathroom and, proceeded to take the test. As he was frantically waiting for the answer of the test, he was on Twitter tweeting  about Hilary Clinton.

    After 5 minuets was up, Donald jumped up and grabbed the test.

As he looked down, he saw the answer...

The Mystery of MNUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum