"Oh, how I love you, my beautiful wife! May you please grace your beauty upon this humble soul!" He boomed with a smile. 

Falling onto the bed in a fit of giggles the woman stroked the side of the man's face that towered over her. It reminded her of a shield that would protect her from the most violent storms. Giving the man a peck on the lips once again her heart fluttered with happiness and love. But there was indeed something she wanted. Something that she had wanted for the last 2 years and something only he could give her. Placing both of her hands on both sides of his face she peered up at him with a nervous smile. 

Noticing this immediately the man became worried and tried to soothe his wife. However, that only made her laugh but did not erase the nervousness that graced her face and eyes. Confused at the sudden change he peered down at her worried. For what would cause this beautiful creature such nervousness? 

"What troubles you, my love?" 

Sighing with a smile, she peered into his eyes. 

"There is indeed something I want but I'm not too sure that you want the same," She stated. 

Seeing her emotions conflict in her eyes he gently grasped her hand and kissed the back of it while peering into her lovely sapphire eyes. 

"My love, whatever you wish for I will get you without fail. If you want the finest silk I will travel with nothing but the clothes on my back and walk across the burning sand of the desert to get what you seek. If you want a star than by god I will go beyond the clouds and walk across the heavens to get you that star. My love, whatever you want I will get you," He spoke gently but reassuringly. 

Her eyes twinkled with merriment as she laughed at the absurdness of his words but did not doubt them nonetheless. 

"I'm afraid it's nothing too extreme," She laughed. 

Happy that her nervousness was gone he placed his lips upon her forehead in a loving gesture. 

"Then what is it you want?" 

Taking a deep breath she built up her confidence. 

"I want a child," 

A silence stretched the two before the man's shocked face transformed into happiness. At this, the woman smiled, for right then she knew that what she wanted was something the love of her life wanted as well. Kissing her roughly on the lips with happiness the man laughed in joy. 

"Now that is something I will be glad to give you," He laughed, winking. 

Her laugh echoed throughout their bedroom as their once childish happy atmosphere turned heated. And so for years they had tried only to come up every time. But not matter how many failed attempts they had it did nothing to deter them of a having a bundle of joy that would be their son or daughter. However, unexpected news had come their way. News that held the heavy feelings of sadness. 

The woman could not give birth to a child. 

The kind woman that was loved so dearly by her husband and the town wept and grieved. A once happy face that was filled with warmth and happiness was covered in tears and sadness. And the man, so grief-stricken at the sadness of his wife that would not go away, he had tried his best to console her. He gave her gifts that left his with hands sore and bleeding along with silk clothing he had gotten by pushing himself too hard. He even did and said the silliest thing to relieve his love of the grief that plagued her heart. And every time he did it made her forget. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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