Chapter 1 - I Wonder...

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Amy POV:

I was in the kitchen making dinner when my husband, Alan, walked into the room with a weird question.

"Hey honey, do you ever wonder what the future would be like?"

"No, why do you ask?" I said.

" Just wondering..." But now that he mentions it, it does make me wonder what would happen in our and the kids future?

" Now that you mention it, it does make me wonder. I kind of wish we can see it for ourselves." Just than, we heard a bang in the living room! Nobody was in the house but us! The kids were all at the mall and Morgan is over by my moms house. I stopped what I was doing and went to check it out.

We got into the living room and saw what was going on. I was shocked!

It looked like it was some sort of portal? It didn't look dangerous so I went in front of it.

"What is this?" Alan asked me. I shook my head.

There was suddenly a big strong wind from the front door and in came Cory, Topanga, Shawn, and Eric! They shut the door and came over to us.

" What is this mom?!" Cory asked. Before I knew it, we were all being sucked into the portal!

Riley's POV:

I couldn't sleep, so I got up like at 3 in the morning, and was going to get a glass of water when I suddenly heard a thud!

Something must've fell in the other room. So I came down the hall to pick it up. But I stopped halfway, because I heard a lot of voices!

I grabbed the first thing I saw and held it just in case it was intruders!

I slowly but quietly made my way to the room. I dropped the vase, as it shattered into a million pieces on the floor. They turned and stared at me.

"Who the hell are you people and what are you doing in my house?!" I couldn't see with the lights off so I turned them on.

I suddenly recognized who they were!

" Dad?" I looked at him first." Uncle Shawn?" Then him." Mom? Uncle Eric? Grandma, Grandpa?" They all stared at me weirdly.

" What are you talking about? And who are you?" My grandma asked.

" I'm Riley. I know this sounds crazy, but I think you guys are in the future." I stepped over the glass and made my way to the couch.

" What do you mean?" My mom asked as they all sat on the couch and chairs.

" Ok so let me explain. My name is Riley and you, Cory, are my father. And Topanga's my mother." Everyone looked over at them.
" Then you, are my Uncle Shawn, and Uncle Eric." I pointed at them.
" And that makes you two my grandparents." They all looked at me wide eyed.

" So let me get this straight, I married Topanga Lawrence, and you are supposed to be our daughter." My dad said. I nodded.

" This is crazy! How are we in the future?" My grandmother said a little to loud waking up my mom.

" Honey, what's are you doing up?" She said rubbing her eyes and stopped in her tracks when she saw who I was with.

" Wha-what's going on here?" I told her how they were all from the past and somehow got here to the future.

" So...... Wow!" She said. Then younger Topanga spoke up.

" So you're who I become some day?" She nodded.

" I'm sure Cory won't notice I'm gone."

" TOPANGA, I'M LONEY!!!" Younger Cory laughed at the coincidence.
We all started laughing which woke up my dad.
" Hey, what are the lights doing on? And there you are!" He suddenly, without looking started making out with mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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