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Lucina is a young powerful girl, everyone wants to be with her yet, she doesn't even look their way on less she wants a little fun. She's a complete badass everyone knows it. Everyone also knows she's bi, she loves making trouble. She is a princess in her kingdom, soon to be future Queen, she is the only person to have more than one supernatural creature as well as powers. She's a real beauty whether you want to admit it or not. People know never to piss her off or they will regret it.
Levi is a young vampire Queen. After her 18th birthday, which was centuries ago, she became the Queen of Vampires. After years of being in human schools, she watched as her friends got old and die right in front of her eyes, on less she had bit them making them immortal as well. Once she got tried of human schools, she decided to attend a supernatural school were she is very attractive to many girls without even trying. She is a very powerful vampire also. One faithful event will change her forever.

Let death do us apart because I am enchanted by video.

Book trailer above in the video.

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