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Seulgi's POV:

What would you do if you were offered the choice to become a demon or angel? Would you accept it or deny the chance? If you could become God for the rest of your life? Well, it hurts when the contract is sealed and by contract, I mean the contract that turned me into a demon.

My life was over in the blink of an eye. One moment, you find yourself standing still. The next moment, you find yourself flying across the street with your guts spilling out. It was my 16th birthday. The day that was supposed to mean everything. All my friends and non friends were there. Practically the whole school was at my party. Then, stepping outside to take a breath since everyone else was drunk, I hear screeching. In the far off distance, you can see two little lights making their way toward my direction. I raise up my hands and find myself flying across my family's property.

The loud music turns quiet. The people dancing and moving around slow to a stop. Time slows and I, as ridiculous as it sounds, hear a voice. The voice is so luxuriously sweet. Too dangerously sweet.

"Do you want another redemption at life? To gain back what you just lost? If I could offer you that, would you say yes?" The voice offers.

Slowly, I look up into the eyes of a young male. 'He's beautiful' I think.

"Yes..." I weakly agree.

"I thank you for your contract." A sudden paper appears in his hands. A quill pen follows suite. He holds them out to me and I sign my name. 'Min Seulgi' I scratch out onto the paper with as much strength as I can muster.

"Thank you Miss Seulgi. Now, your redemption at life shall begin. No one shall remember you and you shall start anew. A new body, new family, and new everything. You shall forget everything you have just learned of; including me." He pressss his palm into my forehead.

A bright light was the last thing I recall seeing.

~Two Months Later~

"Seohyun!" A girl comes dashing up to me.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I hear myself saying.

"Huh? Don't you remember who I am?" She takes a step back. "I'm Jimin! Your best friend!"

"I'm sorry but, I don't remember anyone named Jimin..."

"DOCTOR!" She screams.

"Yes miss Jimin?" A man in a white coat comes into the room.


"Miss Jimin, I already explained that since miss Seohyun was hit by a car quite badly, she might have contracted anemia." He sadly glances at me.

"Excuse me Doctor?" I weakly say.

"Yes, miss Seohyun?"


"Who am I?"

~🌸Explaining time!🌸~

Sooooo, I'm the author Seventeen_Flower. If you are confused, Seulgi and Seohyun were both hit by a car at the same time and day. Seulgi made the contract with the devil and she swapped bodies with Seohyun whose body wasn't as damaged. Seulgi doesn't remember who she is since that was part of the contract. As the story progresses, there will be times when Seulgi gets a flashback of her previous life. I hope this sort of explains what happened. As for the two months later, the accident got Seulgi into a coma for two months. Heh I hope this story wasn't bad for a beginner like me.

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