Chapter 20-

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Chapter 20~

-Louis' POV-

I woke up and shivered. I forgot that Niall took my sweat pants off. I crawled under the covers and got comfortable. Niall was probably downstairs making breakfast or something. I closed my eyes and feel back to sleep.


I was wrong. Niall wasn't home at all. I sat on the sofa, almost rolling on the floor could've cooled down my bordem. Might as well look around for a better sight. I looked at the wall and seen how there weren't any picture frames up. I went upstairs and touched the storage rooms door knob. Niall trustes me right, right? I opened it and walked inside, suprised.

There were 5 guitars hung up on the wall, each different colors. Then there was a sofa in the middle, a t.v. was infront of it. I looked and seen picture frames on the walls. I looked and seen a picture of Niall and his parents. What kind of storage room was this... "Can I help you?"I heard Niall's voice hiss. I turned around and my heart started to race. Im dead. "I was uhh...just...-"

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of here."Niall growled and walked closer.

"Yea but I-"

"And you decided to come in here."

"I was-"

"Curious? Didn't curiousity kill the cat."

"Niall I-"

"What did you touch?"Niall asked and moved me out the way. "Nothing."I tried to hide my lie, but it was showing completly. "Lying sack of..."Nialk cought himself and put the picture where it was. "I-I-I'm sorry."I whispered, hitting the closed door behind me.

"Should've kept walking."Niall gritted through his teeth and came torwards me. I am so dead.

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