Chapter 7: Billie

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Before I start this, this  got 200 reads!!! HOLY SHIT THAT'S AWESOME!!!


Also, I'd like to point out that Distillary was relocated, that'll be important. I couldn't figure out a good way to say it in the last chapter. 


*Corvo's POV*

Tracking down Samuel wasn't hard, getting to him wasn't.

Apparently, after he dropped me off at Kingsparrow Island, he was intercepted by a group of assassins, led by Daud. 

Daud asked for transport, and Sumuel accepted, but for a high price. In the end, Daud paid over 10,000 coins. The bastard had been saving up for this. 

Samuel transported Daud to a location that is still annonomous. Daud probably stayed where ever he did until he was back to his usual strength. Then, he came back. One of his loyal assassin's, Thomas, had been promoted to 2nd in comand after Daud's old second in comand, Billie Lurk, betrayed him in a war I am still unware of. Daud spared her, but made her leave Dunwall. Thomas took over for Daud, and held the assassins together. Cleary very cleanly, since I hadn't heard from them until now. 

Daud came back. Maybe via Samuel again, I don't know. But Daud took charge again. With more influence than ever before. I've heard he has the gangs the Dead Eel's and the Hatters, old enemies who had recently teamed up against Slackjaw. 

Samuel took the money he had gotten to buy a small home near Clavering Blv. Not like one of the manisons. Even if Samuel was rich, a small home was to much for him. 

I had to get there, and the assassins knew it. They're patrolling night and day, and they've got the entire area blocked off. The city watch are clueless. 

If I'm going to get there, I'll need a boat, and stealth. I've still got stealth, but a boat... I'll need to talk to a smugler, someone who knows Daud...

And there's only one clear person to talk to, Billie Lurk. Word was she came back to the slums in Dunwall to get glimpses of Daud's new attacks. 

I could get there easily, and Billie would be a good ally. 

5 hours later...

The slums. 

After living in Dunwall tower so long, and even the Hound Pits, I couldn't even imagine living here. 

Yet Billie lived here for years.

Even this long after the plauge passed, there were still a few weepers lurking here, and Billie would no doubt put up a fight, unless I can sneak up on her, though I don't want a hostage situation. 

I'll have to go right up to her, and fight her if needed. 

I drew my blade, ready for any weepers, they hurt, and I wouldn't want to touch them with anything other than steel. I don't want to be infected. 

Walking past the survivors who live her, salvaging what they can from the dumpsters made me sad. No one deserved a fate like this. 

That's why I tried  not to kill weepers, infected or not, they were still people. Real people, people who hadn't done anything wrong.

One stuck out.

The second I saw her I pulled out my blade, ready for a fight. But then I took a closer look. 

She was half dead, her red whaler uniform ripped and bloody, some of it torn off and used for bandages.

"Billie Lurk." I muttered in shock.

"Who- Who are you?" She asked, stunned I'd recognized her.

I realized I was wearing my mask. "I'm Corvo Attono," I said taking off my mask. "I'm here for your help, but it seems you need mine."

"Why would I help you? And why would you help me?" She said, pain clear in her voice.

"First, if you help me, I won't tear you apart limb by limb. And second without my help you'll be dead in another day." 

"What do you need me for?"

"Daud. He's back and he has nothing but blood on his mind. He attacked Dunwall tower in an attempt to kill me and the empress. I need someone who can get me to Samuel, a boatman. Someone who knows Daud and how to evade his defenses of Clavering. Someone who can help me fight Daud. And know one fits that but you." I say, hoping it'll be enough.

"Alright. I'll help you fight Daud. Get me out of here." She says.

I smile. "I'll get you back to Distillary, I'll heal you wounds. Then, we'll talk about Daud."

"Wait," She says as I help her up. "Isn't Distillary in Clavering?"

"They relocated, Slackjaw got rich off the new Sokolov elixer, so they bought a new facillity off Kaldwin's Bridge."

"Alright," She says. "Let's get going. Daud is unpredictable, so we have to move quick. He might've burned down Dunwall by now."

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