The Start Of The Beginning

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I spent the next day depressed,not doing much but after i had it i decided i needed to go talk to Conor.

I got off my bed and walked down the staires but as i head for the door Cody called "(Y/N)? Where are you going? It's really cold outside." "I know,but i have to go see Conor" i said as i gripped the door handle "Or.." he said as he walked closer to me and took my hand and wrapped the other one around my waist  "We could spend the night together since he's not here and-" "Cody!" i snapped "what is this? What are you doing?!" "Chill babe" he said as he came in for a kiss "No! no no" "No?" Cody asked,surprised that i denied his kiss "Cody know this is wrong,so dont" i said and stepped out quickly,i ran to Conor's car i knocked on the window where he was sleeping in the back-God i can't believe i made him sleep here.

I knocked on the window,freezing in the cold. He woke up startled and calmed down a bit when he saw it was only me,not a robber. He opened the door and i got in.

"Hey" i said shivering in the cold car "Hi" he said back after a while "I can't believe you slept here it's freezing" i said rubbing my hands together trying to produce some sort of heat. He didn't say anything,we both didnt for a couple of minutes then we both spoke together "If you're here to yell at me some more then spare me and go back to your warm bed with your precious friend and leave me alone" " i'm not.I came to apologize Con.I really am sorry." "You say this after you humiliated me in front of Cody,and you expect me to come back like a little puppy?" He said as he looked at me coldly "No,but Conor you can't stay here forever" "I'm not,i'm leaving first thing in the morning" "What?! NO you can't"  "I gotta" he said looking down 'NO I wont let you.what the  hell is wrong with you?" i screamed "(Y/N) Stop screaming" he said quietly "NO! You are fucking stupid." "WHY? because i actually want to start my life instead of sleeping in a car everyday?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING GIVING UP ON US" "I never said i am (Y/N)" "IS THAT WHY YOU WANNA LEAVE ME? IT TAKES A REAL ASSHOLE TO DO THAT CONOR" and i started crying right away,tears flooding down myy cheeks,all the stress and anxiety and emotions that were trapped in me,were now flowing down my cheeks,and i didn't hold back,i let it all out.

After a minute of crying hysterically,Conor took me in and hugged me "Shhh,i'm sorry baby" he said as he patted my head which was shoved in thr crook of his neck. "I'm sorry,we'll be fine babe,Shhh" after a while i spoke "Conor please don't leave me,please" "I won't leave YOU baby,i'm leaving this place,i hate it here" "Where ever you go i'm coming with you i dont care where it is." "Anywhere?" he repeated "Anywhere,as long as we're together" i said wrapping my hands around his cold neck "Travel with me then" he said smiling very widely "Where to?" i said "Anywhere and everywhere" he said simple holding on to me "what does that mean?" "We always shared this one dream,one life goal to travel the world and be happy together.Meet new people get introduced to new cultures,go wild eat things we never thought we'd eat,be places we never dreamt of being,goning on crazy our life to fullest every single day.It's what we always wanted and we both know it's not gonna happen here,and we aren't comfortable here anyway,with your brother chasing us,let's leave,forever.Just you and me baby.what do you say?" "I say....that that would be the best thing you and i could ever decide to do together" "YES!" he said as he hugged me so tight i couldn't breath,but i liked it. "Go pack your bags baby,we're leaving" he said smiling from ear to ear "When?" I'll get us some tickets tomorrow,so yeah tomorrow" "I love how easy things are for you" i said getting my face closer to his "I love how you're not easy at all,the one i have to work hardest for" He said as we kissed passionately "Babe,about yesterday,the shit with Cody i promise i'm not into him like that,he's just a friend.I'm sorry that we got intimate like that it was unintentional i swear." "hey hey,that doesn't matter anymore.We're off to a new start now." And of course after that we had an intense make out session in the freezing car,forgetting time.

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