Part 24: Instagram

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@lydiajenkins- just as grandma stan was cutting the turkey, seb remembered to invite everyone to the captain america: civil war premiere at dolby theatre in los angeles, california on april 12, 2016! choose your side- #teamcap or #teamironman

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@lydiajenkins- just as grandma stan was cutting the turkey, seb remembered to invite everyone to the captain america: civil war premiere at dolby theatre in los angeles, california on april 12, 2016! choose your side- #teamcap or #teamironman. for me, it has to be #teamironman all the way- sorry @chrisevans @sebastianstan @anthonymackie @paulrudd @emilyvancamp @jeremyrenner @elizabetholsen

@howardthenugget- I already purchased my tickets. can't wait!

@robertdowneyjr- you see that @chrisevans @sebastianstan that is some true loyalty shown by @lydiajenkins though the love of her life is on the opposing, and may I add incorrect, team.

@sebastianstan- eh. Lyds is just playing hard to get @robertdowneyjr

@chrisevans- she's just going through her rebellious teenage phase @robertdowneyjr

@chadwickboseman- we all know tony stark is so much better then captain america. I mean, who defends their country in a patriotic unitard? @chrisevans

@chrisevans- and who fights for their county dressed up as a cat? @chadwickboseman

@tomholland- like usual, I agree with @lydiajenkins #teamironman all the way @robertdowneyjr

@anthonymackie- all these haters are my motivators

@m.stevens- #teamcap

@lilly.kit- #teamcap all the way

@scarletjohansson- eh. I could honestly go either way

@elizabetholsen- *gasp* @scarletjohansson you traitor. I'm #teamcap forever. psh- #teamironman is so lame @robertdowneyjr @tomholland @chadwickboseman

@tomholland- why doesn't @lydiajenkins get mentioned? @elizabetholsen

@elizabetholsen- because @lydiajenkins is tolerable, understanding, and can actually kick butt unlike everyone else on that pathetic team.

@chrishemsworth- ouch @tomholland

@paulrudd- #teamcap forever. steve took me in- heck, he's captain america. @chrisevans

@spn_videos- #teamironman

@caleb_moisant- #teamcap tbh

@emilyvancamp- I'd have to say #teamcap for me. just because.... reasons

@paulrudd- suuuuure @emilyvancamp

@gaberitzert- #teamironman just because tony has been through so much and I really want him to be happy for once in his life.

@robertdowneyjr- @gaberitzert gets this whole mess

@sebastianstan- oh boo hoo, stark. @robertdowneyjr the rich playboy doesn't have any more money to play with so therefore he wants to declare war and create the entire attention spotlight on him.

@tomholland- things are gettin' spicy up in here!

@jennajenkins- ahhhh. this is going to be good

@robertdowneyjr- yet the ex-golden boy hydra super soldier is depicted as a lost, confused puppy when he's really just a weak link to the whole team @sebastianstan

@tylerposey- #teamironcap all the way, amigos @chrisevans @robertdowneyjr

@lydiajenkins- I have to stick with it so #teamironman for life

@anthonymackie- I think something's wrong in your brain @lydiajenkins

@sammy_loves_pie- #teamcap #teamcap #teamcap

@ianbohen- I'm just gonna go for it and say that I'm #teamcap all the way only because @lydiajenkins is #teamironman

@oliviastan- well, I suppose a grandmother must support her grandson so #teamcap or #teambucky @sebastianstan

@hillaryollerton- seb's grandma is pretty darn lit

@jennajenkins- agreed @hillaryollerton

@paulrudd- #teamcap

@jeremyrenner- I guess the old man was left out once again. so I'll just say it and leave. I'm obviously #teamhawkeye

@lydiajenkins- scratch #teamironman I'm going to #teamhawkeye that is brilliant #teamhawkeye

@robertdowneyjr- I feel betrayed @lydiajenkins

@johnbaron- #teamhawkeye

@tylerheochlin- #teamhawkeye forever and ever @jeremyrenner

@lydiajenkins- well that sucks for you @robertdowneyjr I'm still #teamhawkeye

@marvel- choose your side #teamcap #teamironman or #teamhawkeye

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