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"Sometimes in life, the ones we love the most, hurt us the most"

- Ciara


22nd April 2013

"Hello Miss Evans." My midwife smiled walking in then noticed Trey. "Oh hello I'm Dr ??."

"Hey I'm Treydon Carter." He greeted shaking her hand.

"Oh your Daddy."

"Yeah." he said rubbing the back of his neck. A habit he does when he's nervous.

"So we gonna find out what bub is today."

"Sure are."

"Oh exciting." She smiled making me giggle in excitement. "Well lets get this show on the road then aye, you know the routine."

After a while of showing Trey the arms, legs, nose face, hands and feet she finally revealed to us that we were having a son "Looks like you're having a boy." She smiled

I didn't know what to say or how to react, I just kept looking at the screen in awe.

"Oh my god that's my son?" Trey asked as baby's little heart fluttered threw the room and she zoomed upon him on the screen. I looked from the screen to Trey and couldn't do anything but smile at the sight before me, the biggest smile taking over his face, his beautiful green eyes shinning with delight. He looked back at me then before I knew it I felt his soft full lips on mine, holding his weight up by the hand resting above my head. Sadly he pulled back but I was blessed with the sight of his unique teal eyes, "that's our son!" He beamed.

"Yeah it is." I smiled back.

I wasn't expecting him to kiss me, specially as soft as he did. I had forgotten how sweet his lips taste and how good they felt pressed against mine.

I didn't know what to think of the kiss. Was it just his excitement? Did he forget that we weren't doing this? Did he want us back together?

"you wanna go shopping?" He asked taking my hand as we left the doctors.

I couldn't help the butterfly's in my stomach as I noticed our linked hands.

"what for?"

"some stuff for our son." he cheesed. I couldn't help but giggle.

And we left to get some stuff.

After 2 hours of shopping I we had 6bags and I was busting to use the bathroom.

But when I came out of the bathroom what I saw shocked the hell out of me.

There Trey was holding some girls hip smiling. I couldn't help the disappointment and embarrassment that I thought he had changed and wanted me.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Kaia to come and pick me up knowing she was just around the corner at Leos game.

when she texted and said she was here I made my appearance to Trey.

interrupted the girls embarrassing desperate flirting.

"hey, Kaias outside I'm tired so I'm gonna go home." I said and the girl looked at my stomach in disgust with her hand still touching his byscept. I tried to mask the hurt from him but I know my disguise was slowly slipping as he stood there reading my face.

"you should have told me. I would have dropped you home." he said pulling his arm free.

"its fine Kaia was around the corner and going to mine anyway. ill see you later." I said rushing when my voice began to crack. I grabbed as much bags as I could and rushed out before he could say something.

"Ew who was that?" the chick said but I didn't want to hear his answer so I walked faster.

"What's up?" Kai asked when I got in the car.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I said not looking at her.

"Your lying."

"Kaia I don't want to talk about it ok." I growled.

"wow, ok. so what are we having?"

"A boy." I said smiling.

"Oh I'm so fucking excited." she squealed making me laugh.

She dropped me off at home and my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey, You at home?" Ash asked.

"Yeah I am, why's that?"

"Me, Ang and Hayden gonna come over."

"Ok, you remember how to get here?" I asked taking my shoes off.

"so its a boy?" Ashley bounced up and down in excitement.

I couldn't help but laugh at her excitement. but when I noticed Angel and Hayden's face I knew it was time they got their explanations.

"So how much do you both know?" I asked sitting down.

"As much as you've told me Carley, NOTHING! Except now I see your pregnant, seen the argument the other day with Trey about it being his baby, and now your having a boy." she said clearly upset.

"To be perfectly honest Ang I have no excuse for not telling you."

"oh so now you wanna be honest." she said sarcasticly. "We're meant to be your guys bestfriends, I clearly know nothing, by the looks Hayden had a fair idea about some, but none of us knew you were pregnant. You talked to me on the phone not that long ago, unless you got pregnant just yesterday don't you think this is something you should have mentioned."

"Ok that's enough." Hayden stepped in. "How are you?" he asked me softly.

"Um yeah getting there."

"How long?" Angel asked

"How long what?"

"How long were you and Trey fucking?"

"since about August last year."

"Are you fucking kidding?"

"we didn't really get serious until about Novemember, but yeah we first slept together in august."

"So why didn't you tell us?"

"Trey freaked out, thought telling us would mean that they were serious." Hayden said shocking me. "He told me after you left about it all." He admitted. I couldn't believe Trey told someone after the amount of time he stressed about keeping it a secret.

"why did he tell you?"

"he realised how much he fucked up, I guess he needed someone to hear his side. you wouldn't answer his calls he wanted to know how you were." I just nooded my head.

"you've got feelings for him." Angel accused. "Oh my god, your in love with him."

"I'm having his baby, what the fuck do you think?"

"stupid girl." Ash said pulling me into a hug.  I couldn't help but laugh at her honesty.

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