Chapter 1

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Kellin's POV:
"Ok. Kellin, you can do this!" I told myself while pressing the 'call' button. I was honestly scared because I don't remember much of what happened except a small memory of a guy... What was his name again? I dont know, oh well.. I'll find out soon enough.
*beep beep*
"Hello?" Answered the guy who gave me his number last night, i think..
"Hey, uhm it's Kellin, remember me from last night? Told me to call you when I got home and I passed out so I'm calling you now." I said nervously.
"Hey Kellin sorry to disappoint you bud, but I don't know who you are. I didn't even go out last night. Sorry man, must've gotten the wrong number but I like your voice, we should keep talking. My name's Vic by the way." That voice, I've heard it before, but where? "Yeah okay Vic I'll talk to you later uhh I gotta go. Bye." *ends call* well that could've been worse.

Wrong number...? (kellic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu