Chapter 30 - Showtime

Start from the beginning

Madame Giry only sighed out of pity, sitting down next to her Odette as she rubbed her back carefully, so as not to ruin the costume, "I do not think so my dear."

The sun continued setting as the two sat there for a few more moments, letting Constance's emotions run its course as she stared hard towards the wooden floor before them. Madame Giry glanced at the grandmother clock beside them and shook her head out of worry, "It is almost curtain call; are you ready to show all of France how wonderful of a dancer you are?"

Constance took in a deep breath, closing her eyes slightly. She would not cry over him. She would not let love make her weak. She was Constance Desjardins; a prima ballerina by much love and hard work; no man, nor phantom would make her feel less worthy of being on stage anymore then they already had. A new sense of determination washed over her as she quickly opened her eyes, turning her face to face her ballet instructor. While staring into Antoinette's eyes, she nodded in approval. Madame Giry smiled in return, sensing the spark inside of her as she escorted the prima ballerina to the back of the stage.


The Phantom continued banging on the organ keys of his home, trying to work out the different notes of his newest masterpiece. It somehow did not seem right, every time he imagined his lust for Christine the notes fit wonderfully. However when he changed his tune and thought of his love for Constance, the notes did not blend correctly. Could it be that he was not in love with her as much as he thought? Nonsense, he told himself, she is the best thing that has ever happened to us, to me. But the notes did not agree and the more he tried to get the correct tune out of his shaking fingers, the louder the sounds of the organ became, more horribly matched than before.

"Erik please, cease this torment!" Nadir exclaimed, forcing the Phantom's boney hands off of the organ before him, "There is a ballet performing tonight! I thought you out of all people would be of attendance."

The Phantom growled from his gesture, turning to move his hands back on the organ as his voice became dangerously low, "I must continue this piece. I want it finished by the new year-"

"This piece is consuming your soul Erik; do you forget who is performing Odette on this very night? Do you forget the woman you love will be dancing her heart out for you to be pleased with her? For once in your life, think before you act!" Nadir exclaimed, throwing the Phantom's sheet music around them.

The Phantom growled once more, watching for a moment as various pieces of paper fell to a pool around him. He then began sitting up; so fast that his organ bench fell behind him. His eyes glowed a warning yellow, his steps stealth as he walked closer to him, "Get out Daroga before I take you out permanently!"

"See reason Phantom. I know you are hurting over your recent decisions; do not make them worse by ignoring the woman you claim to love!" Nadir pleaded, moving backwards so as not to get too close to The Phantom.

The Phantom then laughed darkly, taking the nearest candelabra before him as he began playing with the flame it emitted. His fingers hovered over the flame for some moments, seemingly unaffected by the heat it gave, "like the flame that provides for us to see the good in the world, so is it easily," he began, taking his bare fingers over the flame to put it out, "extinguished."

Nadir continued stepping back, unsure of what he was speaking of, "And what does that have to do with Constance?"

The Phantom then laughed some more this time, more calmly then the last as he gently placed the recently extinguished candle to the side and began walking the opposite way, "it has everything to do with her and yet nothing. She provided some comfort in Erik's dark and miserable life; oh, but she is too good for the Phantom. She is too fragile for the Phantom to corrupt." He paused, his hands gently caressing the couch that was before him, seemingly to think back on a memory that made his eyes sparkle with delight, "Well, that isn't entirely true now is it Daroga?"

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