Yeah, Apollo's genuinely sorry now, he can't imagine what it'd be like to get stuck in the middle of a lovers' spat like this. The poor guard's probably just trying to do his job.

Still, what Apollo said just now was true- and he means it, too. He didn't even stop at home after being released from the hospital, he just ordered Mr. Edgeworth to drive him directly here (his bike is still at the WAA, so Mr. Edgeworth was nice enough to offer Apollo a ride). Apollo had marched right in- well, as best he could with his foot and all- and demanded to see Klavier immediately, only to get stuck in this.

Apollo scowls. There's no way he's giving up now.

Apollo turns at the sound of groaning hinges, readying himself for standing his ground again, and sees... nothing?

Apollo's only begun to frown, thinking that it's weird when there's a shuffling noise to the left of him.

Oh. Wrong door.

Apollo turns back to face the window, which means that- oh, finally. There's someone walking to the chair across from Apollo, bent over and looking down.

Look's like Apollo's getting his meeting after all.

"Look, Herr Edgeworth," Klavier rambles as soon as he sits down, not even looking up to face Apollo. "I appreciate it, but in the end I'm not worth-"

His chin tilts up, and his eyes meet Apollos'. ""

Apollo can't hide the pain on his face when they make eye contact. He never could, not from Klavier.

Fuck, Klavier just looks awful. The stubble on his chin is darker now, almost a beard at this point. His hair is unwashed and choppy as it was the last time, almost like it'd been cut with a weed whacker. That's not even to speak of his gaunt cheeks and the bags under his eyes- it almost looks like he hasn't eaten or slept since that night.

Of course, Apollo thinks suddenly, heartbeat racing into overdrive; he wouldn't put any of that past Klavier.

Apollo swallows. He knows that he should say something, but it's hard. He's overcome with a swell of emotion, the need to comfort Klavier, to cup his face and shush his worries and his fears. He wants to hold Klavier, watch his face relax and expression fade into bliss with Apollo's arms around him.

Except... Apollo knows that Klavier won't accept it, he knows that Klavier doesn't want to be helped, and that's what makes it all worse.

That's what makes it all unbearable.

Klavier's eyes fall again. He's staring at the ground, jaw clenched. "...Apollo."

Apollo's just managed to gather enough thoughts to open his mouth when Klavier's talking again.

His eyes are closed now, head tilted to face the ceiling. "I have nothing to say to you. Please leave."


Apollo feels like he's been slapped in the face. Is Klavier mad at him?! That- that feels like the only possible reason for this, but fuck, what has Apollo done wrong?

The voice in the back of Apollo's head is happy to answer. Besides for not being able to tell him and his homicidal brother apart? It asks. Oh, I don't know... maybe kissing said homicidal brother...

Apollo swallows. Klavier said that he wasn't mad about that, but it was still pretty horrible. Apollo can't imagine how he'd feel if his brother was Kristoph and Klavier kissed Kristoph- uh, well he isn't sure if that's quite analogous to this, and it's weird to imagine Klavier and Kristoph kissing anyways, because that's incest and all- you know what? Apollo's abandoning this train of thought. He really doesn't want to know where it leads. Let's just say that this might be as much Apollo's fault as it is Klavier's and be done with it.

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