Chapter 7

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I felt the punch as it hit me square in the jaw. "Come on Taylor! Keep your hands up!" Ed yells. I block the next punch and kick my opponent in the leg, sweeping it out from underneath Sam, which puts him on the ground. "Not so fast army boy." I state as he tries to get back up. I put him in a headlock and then he taps out. "Alright. Spike! Donna! You two are up next!" Ed says. Donna Sabine was filling in for us while Jules was in the hospital, again. The first time Donna was on the team was when I hadn't even joined yet, this time, she filled in because Jules had gotten shot in the chest.

We practice for the next few hours and then the boss comes in. "Did you leave Babycakes in the hall?" He asks Spike and I. "We put her there so the pick up guys could come get her and take her off to be revamped and such." I state. "A week without Babycakes? Spike what are you gonna do without your girlfriend?" Ed asks. "She's still my girl but not my girlfriend Ed. Besides. It's only a week. It's not "bomb season" so to speak." Spike chuckles. "Good save." I state to Spike patting him on the back. "Babycakes is probably offended you said that!" Sam chimes in. Spike smirks and we all head off to the meeting room.

I could tell Donna was still confused about the inside joke of Babycakes, the bomb robot. We get our first hot call of the day, a kidnapping, then followed by two fake calls about possible robberies, then, a multiple bomb call. "What was that about it not being 'bomb season' Spikey?" Ed asks him. Spike rolls his eyes and gets up to go grab his stuff. I follow, going to grab what we would need. "Donna, you're with Deadshot, Spike, you're with Sam. Ed, we will find out what we can about the bomber." The boss states. We all head off in the SUV's, sirens and lights on. "So how's team 3 going?" I ask Donna. "Good. Good. But it's good to be back on team 1 for awhile." She says. We pull up to the hotel where the first call was and Spike had gone to the other hotel where there was also a call. "So why hotels guys?" My dad asks over the coms. "Lots of people." Sam says. "Bunch of meetings and banquets go on around this time of the year." Donna points out. "Maybe this person is targeting a group that is in the hotel." I state. "Possibly. Ed and I will dig into it. Donna, Sam, make sure everyone's out of the buildings, Spike, Taylor, do your thing." The boss says.

I am lead to the basement to where the bomb was found in the boiler room. "Basement? Why is it always the basement?" Donna asks over the com to me. "Easiest way to bring down a building." I state matter of factly. I scan the bomb from a distance with the backup scanner and then head downrange. "Guys, you know how I said it would be to take down the building? I was wrong. It's a dirty bomb. This thing goes, if the air vents are could kill everyone." I state. "Get them to turn of the A/C. Make the evacuation zone larger outside and set up a perimeter farther from the hotel." I add to Donna. "Spike? You got the same thing?" I ask him. "No. I got a bunch of dummy wires and a timer for 30 minutes though. You?" He asks. "I got a bunch of wires but not a lot of dummy ones. I also am seeing phosphorus and ammonium. I think we are gonna need some schematics." I state. "Boss did you hear that?" Spike asks. "We will work on it buddy. Just see what you can do for now." The boss says.

Donna walks downstairs to where I am. "One person down range." I state not looking up. "I know. I'm gonna stay back here. Need anything?" She asks. "Just silence will do. Thanks." I mutter. I can tell she's intently watching me from a distance. "Only farmers have rights to ammonium but could get that on the black market or from a dealer as long as you had a good reason....." I mumble to myself. I had my arm rested on top of a box and was looking down at the bomb, kneeling there. "Is it safe to even be down here near these chemicals right now?" Donna asks breaking the silence. "Well. Let's just say probably not, but it's somewhat safe until it blows. Then all h*ll breaks loose and you die of phosphorus penetrating your skin and the ammonium getting into your lungs." I say in a serious tone, with a bit of dry sarcasm. She stays quite now. Yeah, I thought so, I think to myself. "Found those schematics guys! Sending it over the PDA now!" Ed states. "Copy that." I respond. I check the timer, 15 minutes till it goes off. It was getting hot and I could smell the ammonium, not good. Heat is not a good combo with these types of chemicals, but if the A/C was to go on....we can't have it on.

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