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Ikuto carried Amu's small body to her house. Jumping up onto her balcony, he opened her bedroom window. Carefully, he set her down on her bed.

He was just about to leave out the window, when he heard her voice. "Wait, Ikuto... don't go... Just yet... I want you... To stay... with me." Ikuto smirked. She was talking in her sleep.

Wait, he thought. She said his name in her sleep. Did that mean she was dreaming about... him?
Ikuto chuckled. He couldn't wait to tease her about it when she woke up.

Meanwhile, Ran, Miki, Su and Yoru were sitting on Amu's desk watching them.
"What do you think will happen," whispered Ran. "I dunno-Nya," Yoru replied. "Let's give them some time alone with each other and go to sleep," said Su, who was already in her egg. "Ok!" They all replied.


I woke up to see Ikuto's deep eyes looking at me. Did he... save me!? His face was just inches  away from mine.
" Where am I?" I said groggily.

He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "We're in your room."
"Oh," I said. "W- what... what happened to me? Last thing I remember I was... falling..."

"You fainted. I caught you and carried you back," he replied.

"What... what time is it?" I said, turning to glance outside my bedroom window to see that it was still nighttime.
"Ikuto... why is your face... so close to mine...?!"

He smirked again, and said,"What? Do you like it, little kid?"

Oh, he is so annoying! I thought to myself.
"Sh- shut up! You- you perv-"

"Shhh," he said, putting his finger to my lips. "Your mom will hear you and wonder what's going on, and come up here."

He was right. It would be impossible to explain this to my mom.
"Humph. Stupid Ikuto," I muttered.

His smirk got even bigger as he said, "That's not what you said when I was about to leave. 'Wait, Ikuto! Don't leave just yet! I want you to stay with me.'"

I must've said that when I was sleeping. I blushed, and feeling quite flustered, I said, "W-well I was asleep. I didn't mean to say that to you!"

He kept teasing me. "But that must mean you were dreaming about me, right? Why else would you be saying my name in your sleep. Wonder what type of pervy things you imagined us doing."

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Ikuto!
"WHY YOU-" I said, grabbing my pillow, as I went to hit him with it.

But I was stopped by the sound of my mother's voice from downstairs. "Amu? Is something the matter? I'm coming up to check on you!"

I glared at Ikuto as he said, "I told you not to shout."
Ugh. He is so annoying, I thought to myself. But now what was I supposed to do? I heard my mom's footsteps in the hallway. Coming closer to my bedroom door. "Quick! Under the covers!" I whisper-shouted at the Ikuto.

"Aren't we excited. Slow down princess," he said, with that annoying smirk still on his face.
I can't believe he had he nerve to say that.
I whacked him on the head and said, "Shut up! You know what I mean!"

Quickly we both got under the covers. It was a tight fit though, my bed was small and I had to stay pressed up against Ikuto so I wouldn't fall off. Thankfully it was dark under the covers. He couldn't see me blushing.

I heard my mom opening my bedroom door, and prayed that she wouldn't see us. Thankfully, my prayers were answered.
"I must've been hearing things," I heard her say, before walking out and quietly shutting the door behind her again.

After she left, I let out a relieved sigh.
"Phew. That was close," I whispered. Then I realized that I was still pressed up against Ikuto under the covers. I felt my face heat up.

"Ok, she's gone now, so get out of my bed," I said trying to get up. But soon I felt his arms around me. I squirmed, as he hugged me to his chest.

"Would you cut it out?" I asked, a little annoyed. He hugged me even tighter.

"Is that the thanks I get for saving you?" I stopped squirming and he continued. "Besides, I have no where else to go. Easter is watching my house. It's cold outside, it started snowing. You're warming me up."

He was right. It was snowing. And under here, it was so much warmer... I guess I didn't mind.

"F-fine. Just... Don't do anything pervy..."

"I won't."

I closed my eyes and listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling his soft warm breath on my hair.

Even though Ikuto is always such a pervert, and a pain in the butt, and he always teases me, I guess he is a good guy. He always comes to help me when I'm in need. And this is kinda nice..." I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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