This time I didn't fall asleep. I sat there, staring at the wall, tears refusing to stop. At some point they did but I still didn't go to sleep. I got up when I saw the sunlight coming through my curtains. I looked at my pillow and saw red. I looked at my hand and it was red too. It wasn't a lot of blood so I disregarded it and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I didn't brush my hair today so I throw on one of my hats before heading downstairs. I look into the kitchen before suiting up and going to my car. I'm not that hungry even though I skipped dinner and breakfast. I text Tweek that I'm coming. Then I ask him if he can make me a coffee too, because I'm really tired this morning. He says sure.

When I get to his house I knock on the door as usual and he answers as usual but then he stares at me. "What?"

He shakes his head, "N-Nothing…" He follows me to my car and hands me a thermos of my very own after fastening his seatbelt. "D-Did you sleep okay, Craig?" He asks, watching me drink the delicious coffee. His coffee is the only coffee I'll drink.

I nod. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugs and then looks at me again. He squints his eyes and then looks confused. He grabs my face gently and turns it. "You don't look like you've slept at all… And where did you get this bruise?"

I move my face back. "I fell down the stairs." I lie.

"…I'm blonde, Craig, not stupid."

I stare at him. I'd laugh if he hadn't been so serious. Usually Tweek would believe me. "What do you mean?"

"Craig, what happened to your face? You said you loved me. Then I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to tell me what happened."

"BECAUSE, Tweek, sometimes there are things I can't talk about." I snap.

"I'd tell y-you if something was wrong." He whispers.

"That's because your problems are nothing compared to mine!" He's quiet but I can see him shaking his head from the corner of my eyes. "Look, Tweek, I'd just rather not talk about it."

"Okay." We make it to school and he gets out. "I have to- GEH- get to class early s-so I'll see you later." He leaves and I grip the steering wheel tight. I should apologize. I need to apologize. I don't want to fight with Tweek. I get out of my car and see Clyde and Token walking towards me.

"Dude, what happened? You're eyes are puffy and tired and did you get into a fight?" Clyde examines my face when he gets closer.

I shake my head. "Drop it."

He holds his hands up. "Whatever you say. Just remember what you said about talking to us."

"Tweek and I had an argument." I tell him so he'll leave me alone.

"Oh, sorry, man." We start walking to the cafeteria. "But, what happened to your face?"

I shrug. "I fell into a wall."

He laughs. "That's so unlike you."

"Yeah." I pull out my book and just try to block everything out.

Tweek's POV

Craig must've been shocked that I knew. I usually don't say anything when he lies. But I was worried because he looked like he'd been crying and then it looked like someone punched him in the face. I hope he's okay. I just wish he'd talked to me. But instead he acts like a jerk! Honestly, how does he go from I love you to I can't tell you what happened even though it could be a big problem. But I'm Craig so I can't talk about my feelings.

I put my head in my hands and sigh. "Hey, Tweek, what's wrong?"

I look up to see Kenny. He never talks to me. What the hell does he want? "Why w-would you think something w-wrong?"

He sits in the seat in front of me and shrugs. "I dunno, you look like your worried about something and you're not twitching or anything."

"It's n-nothing important." I lie.

"Is it about Craig?" He asks.

"GEH- Wh-What? Why would y-you thing- GEH- that?"

He laughs. "Because now you're freaking out."

I sigh. "Yeah, it's Craig."

"Well, what happened?"

I shake my head. "He won't tell me and that's the problem."

The bell rings and kids starting coming in. "Well, I'm sure he'll come around. He's stubborn, right? We should talk more. I'd really like to be your friend."

"My friend?"

"Mhm." He nods. "Wanna eat lunch together?"

I shrug. "Sure."

"Alright, cool."

The teacher stands from her desk. "Okay, class, did everyone do their book assignment?"

Kenny turns around and I sigh again, thinking about Craig. I hope he's okay. I should apologize.

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