Clumsy Me

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I started picking up the tray, when a hand touched mines. I pulled it back and looked up. Oh My Freaking God!!!! It was that guy. Where have I seen him before?

He was looking at me. What to say? What to say? Luckily he spoke first. He said "hi I'm Nick and you are?"

"Damn can you believe I forgot my name". (Lol) but he knew I was nervous so he kept talking. These are my brothers, they just waved and walked away.

That's when I said something "oh you just gonna leave me to clean this up by myself. Really?" Nick said "no I'm staying."

Now will you tell me your name? I said "if you really must know my name is Lyllyn." Do you work here? I told him my mom owns this place, and he smiled.

He had the most beautiful smile. The biggest brown eyes. The longest lashes, and the curliest hair. Oh did I mention he was drop dead gorgeous!!!!

Nick helped me clean up, and he helped me make not one but two batches of cupcakes. He really was helpful. Nick asked me would I take a walk on the dock with him later. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded yes, then he left.

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