tagged 2

38 2 0

I was tagged by _mashi_mashi_rinny so let's do this
1. What's your favorite anime and why? Tokyo Ghoul I love the way the characters develop

2. Write something funny just keep swimming just keep swimming

3. Do you like books? Yes I do

4. Do you like animals? Yes I do

5. Do you have any stuffed animals? Yes I do

6. If anime never existed what would you do? Watch YouTube

7. Have you ever felt sad about an anime ending on you? Many times

8. If you ever pick an anime character who would you be? Sheele

9. What's an anime you have seen more than once? Soul eater

10. How many people do you think are in the fairy tale guild? No idea I don't watch the anime

11. Small dog or big dog? Small dog

12. Battery percentage? 92%

13. Would you rather cuddle with a male lion or hug a panda? Hug a panda

Now it's my turn

1. Favorite anime character and why?

2. Favorite anime series?

3. Favorite book?

5. Kitty or puppy?

6. Favorite anime ship?

7. Favorite manga you ever read?

8. Video games or movies?

9. Favorite pokèmon?

10. Drawing or writing?

11. First book you ever wrote on here?

12. Small dog or big dog?

13. Favorite anime character and why?

Now I tag -_TSINDERE-UKE_- _Masky_the_Proxy_AngelofHope316AnimeandMangaGirlBeautifulRomanceLoveblahblahWHA123buffywolfcattythecat123Cwmmstudios do the questions I just wrote

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