Writer's Block

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Luckily, Peony had a little time to write a song and compose music for both your voice and the rickety cello that has stuck by your side for many years. Unluckily, Peony began to feel the dread of  Writer's Block settling in.

She grunts. "This is ridiculous. Nina's party is tomorrow. I don't have time to run out of inspiration."

Peony takes up the cello and bow, trying out a few cords, none of which were inspiring her. Her focus drifted to the cracks and scuffs along the wood of the cello. Monroe had gotten it for her when she was younger. Of course, Peony had requested it. She was always fond of its rich tone. She even taught herself how to play, as if there were anyone one else in Ergastulum that could play.

"I'm going out," she says to the air.

The cello is put into its case like a corpse in a coffin. Peony slings the case over her back and sets out into the bleak morning.

She passes by Dr Theo's clinic.

"Ah, Peony. I'd hoped I'd see you. Did you get my letter?" Theo asks.

"I did. You owe me, Doc. If it weren't for Nina, I wouldn't do it," she puffs.

He takes a puff of his cigarette, the smoke blowing her way. She fans it away with her hand.

"How's your eye? I see the scar has healed up nicely," he says.

"It's fine. I don't care for scars anyhow. Besides, no one in this city is asking for perfection," Peony jests. "Scars are just memories that don't go away."

"You're still letting it hang over you, then," he said.

"I can't make it go away, Doc." She gazes down at her feet, which she could barely see beneath her bust. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a song to write for Nina."

The clouds rumbled overhead. Drops of water plopping onto Peony's cheeks. A string of curses fall from her mouth. She was far from her destination, so she took a detour to a place that would let her in out of the rain. She knocks on the door, a rumble of thunder blending in. The rain falls harder, but she had managed to get into the alcove that lead to the apartment just in time.

Unsure if her knocks had been heard, she tries again. She waits, hoping that they were home. Her wish was answered as a familiar face opens the door.

"Sorry to intrude, Nic. I was hoping I could get my cello out of the rain," she says and signs.

"Your signs are sloppy. I can't read them," he teases.

He heads off, into the apartment. Leaving the door open, Peony took the cue and went inside.

His face was dotted with bandages and scrapes.

'What did you do this time?' Peony asks.

'Some punks were causing trouble around Theo's

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'Some punks were causing trouble around Theo's. They aren't now,' He smirks as if recalling a good memory.

Peony unpacks her cello. "Awe, shoot. I forgot my bow."

He raises an eyebrow, taking note of her frustration. 'What's with the violin.'

She shoots him a gaze, as she always did when he teased her about her cello being a violin.

'I'm writing Nina's song, but I don't have any inspiration," Peony responds.

She leans her cello against a wall, seeing as it was useless with out its bow.

'Where's Worick and Alex?' Peony asks.

'His other job, and she went to buy new clothes,' Nic says.

'I see.'

A gurgle erupts from his stomach and she couldn't help but laugh.

'I'll make myself useful and fix us something to eat,' Peony says, knowing that despite him being able to wield a sword, he was an accident waiting to happen when it came to cooking and standard kitchen knives.

The food was nothing more than mashed potatoes, peas, and some sort of red bean. It wasn't much, and their selection of spices and seasonings where limited, so she had to do the best she could with what she had.

'If all it takes is some rain for you to cook for me, then I wouldn't mind if it rained everyday,' Nic grins, wincing a little at the bandage at his cheek.

She smiled. Peony always appreciated seeing this side of him. The side that showed that he was human, just as everyone else, and not a monster just because he's a Twilight. Peony remembered how scared she was of him. Of how the rumors had spread like wildfire, how she had foolishly believed them. It wasn't until recent that she realized how blind she was.

'I'll cook whenever you want me to,' She says, giving another sincere smile.

It wasn't long before she kicked back and relaxed, becoming one with the cushions of couch. She dozed off, feeling her stress melt away for even the slightest of seconds.

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