Movers Suck At Their Job

Beginne am Anfang

"Does he treat you well?"

"MOOOOOOM" I moaned. She always did this. Blake and I are not together. Ugh.

This is why I NEVER have boyfriends. Cause she pulls this off!

"Is he at least cute?" she wondered.

I sighed, knowing she wouldn't stop doing this, until she won whatever we were arguing about.

"Very. Now can I go to my room? I don't feel well" I explained, feeling around my face which was a mild warm.

I really didn't feel well to be honest. I've been through too much emotions from just today, and it exhausted me to the limit.

"Ok hun" she said giving me a good night hug, which I accepted.

"Take some Advil, and I hope you get better by morning, cause your first day of school is tomorrow" she explained.

'School?' I cried inside. 'This soon?'

"Tomorrow?" I asked my mom with a pained/shocked expression painted on my face.

She nodded. Great.

I began to walk to my room with an upset stomach from the news, but..... I forgot something.

I rubbed my forearm, something I did when I was nervous, or shy.

"Hey mom, where is my room?" I mumbled embarrassed.

She stared blankley at me a moment, but chuckled when she realized I haven't been home long enough to fully check out the house. Yea, so how would I know where to go? Exactly, I don't have a clue.

"Go around the bend of the house, and it's the third door to the right" she directed using her pointer finger.

I mumbled a 'thanks', and followed to where she directed me to go, stopping at the third door on the right.

It was a mahogany color, just like the front door, only with more detailed carvings. I noticed the main carving, which had my name carved in a fancy and neat lettering. Sweet, I like it!

I pushed open the door, and sucked in a sharp breathe.

Piled high to the ceiling were boxes of my many belongings. I can't even get through! Ugh, stupid movers can't even do their jobs...

Where is my bed? Did they even delivered it here?


Oh jeez.

Plus on top of things, I'm claustrophobic, so even if my bed was here, in this horded room, how am I supposed to sleep with all these boxes!

Simple... I won't. I'll sleep somewhere else. Hmph!

I can't handle tight spaces, so leave me alone! Jeez.

I sidestepped to the nearest suitcase, and pulled out some pj's to change into. Plus two Advil pills I'll have to down dryly. Ew.

My Pj's being an old T-shirt, and a pair of knee-high socks to match.(Socks because I hate having cold feet at night)

And of course a pair of panties!

Lol, such a strange word! ^°^

Once I was done changing into my clothing, and panties(; I walked down the hallway; the hardwood floor creaking under me with each step I took. Being in a new house was a bit scary. I just need to go to the living room, but I don't even know where it is. I outstretched my arms to feel around, making sure I don't bump into anything important. Or anything period.

I cant even see past my arms... anything further, is a mass of black. The lights are off, probably from my mom. Meaning she probably went to bed right after our little conversation. Ugh, I just want to sleep...

I felt my way on the walls surrounding me, being quiet with each step I took. As I drew further, I felt something touch my fingers. It felt familiar, so I pushed my fingers against it, triggering something.

Ceiling lights from above me blinded me from seeing, forcing me to cover my eyes with both of my free arms. Damn. I stood frozen until my temporary blindness faded.


After about a minute adjusting, I released my arms from my face, and squinted my eyes instead. 

 I just want sleep... please? No? Screw you brain.

Wow, did I just have an inner arguement with myself? This calls for some serious counselling later! But now, I just need sleep.

I walked further into the room and saw it was the living room! Hallelujah

I lay down on our leather couch that was in the room, and cuddled up against the stray pillows.

I sighed with content after shutting my eyes, and relaxing my tense body. So I finally will be able to sleep. Yes.


New home.

New school.

New friends.

New enemies. (Most likely)

And a new life.

It all begins tommorrow. I just can't wait to get it out of the way...

It will be the hardest day out of any of the days I'll be living here.

So why can't daylight come any quicker? I just want to get tommorrow over with.

20 votes for next update!!!


So Briella's mom knows about Blake. Hah, sucks for her!

Lol Jk.

Now, this is important, so please LISTEN(:

I need all of you lovely readers to comment or inbox me your opinion:

What impression does Briella give you?

What vibe does she give you? Good? Bad?

Inbox me your answers, and the best ones will be shown in the next update for everyone to see. This is also for my benefit to see if I'm connecting you with the character better (;



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