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"Alright now class make sure you pick out books that- uh fit your special reading abilities!"

It was another day at the Hillwood
elementary school P.S 118. Mr Simons class was at the school library picking out their reading books.

"OOH helga look at just how many lovely romance books they have!" "Hmm! Oh yeah great" helga and phoebe where off on their own looking for books to check out that week. But Helga's mind was obviously off elsewhere. Across the library with his best friend and most of the other kids there stood the tormenter of her soul, her corn flower haired love god, Arnold.

It had been almost two years since the FTI roof top incident, they where fresh into their sixth grade and would be on to the middle school in a year. But what helga didnt relize was her friend's worrie for her. Ever since the incident pheobe has been worried about her friend. Helga had been less and less like herself. Of course she would keep up her facade in front of their peers but with pheobe the only one who really knew her, she hadn't been herself for a long time. "Hey Helga I found a incredibly interesting book would you like to look it over with me before I check it out!" Pheobe pipped softly but loud enough to knock Helga out of her love sick trance." OH y-yeah sure pheebs".
Heading over to a table pheobe layed out the book she hoped would help her friend.

"So pheebs what even is this book about" Helga asked now out of her trance and full attention on her friend. "Well helga it's a book about the different kinds of love!, they have all kinds of love, the stages, and even authors and poets experience with love in here." "Hmm experience in love?" "Oh YES I was hoping you would also be interested in that section." Phoebe chirpped happily quickly flipping the pages to her wanted page. "I found this one would be in your favor!" Helga had looked to see it was a passage written by one of absulote favorite authors, intreged she began to read along. Looking to the top of the page she read the title of the passage, 'unrequited love'. Staring at the tittle she realized why pheobe was trying to do. "Criminy Pheebs what are you trying to do here" Helga asked turning to look at her friend, anoyence in her voice. "Helga, we both know this has been long coming" pheobe softly but sternly said. Rolling her eyes, Helga turned back to the book, "really pheebs I don't see how any of thi-". She was stopped dead in her tracks by two quotes on the page. 

Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another: "Why can't you see who I truly am?" ~ Shannon L. Alder

I had to get over him. For months now, a stone had been sitting on my heart. I'd shed a lot of tears over him, lost a lot of sleep, eaten a lot of cake batter.Somehow, I had to move on. Life would be hell if I didn't shake loose from the grip he had on my heart. I most definitely didn't want to keep feeling this way, alone in a love affair meant for two. Even if he'd felt like The One. Even if I'd always thought we'd end up together. Even if he still had a choke chain on my heart. ~ Kristan Higgins, All I Ever Wanted

The quotes stung, stung and burried themselves deep in her heart, it's as if they came from the seering parts of her heart and mind, the parts that longed for her beloved Arnold.

"Oh helga..." phoebe's soft voice and the even softer hand she placed on helga's shoulder emited worry and comfort for her friend. Looking at her with a expression of pain and sorrow Helga spoke in a low voice,"I-I know i have to move on,that its for the best but it dosnt stop it from hurting pheebs." "I know Helga"phoebe spoke and turned her gaze. Helga followed her eyes to see that her gaze landed on Arnold and Gerald chatting away without a care. Helga noticed her friends gaze seemed to be focused on Gerald, and looking again she could see the same pain and heartache in her eyes.
"I know "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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