Chapter 1

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~Cara's POV~

I grabbed my bag and ran out the door,  trying to avoid anyone on my way out.

"Where are you going at this time? " Calum asked me.

It was already after dinner so it was dark.

"Somewhere. Why do you care?" I glared at him. He just sighed exasperatedly, knowing I'd get in trouble again.

So apparently I lost my memory. That Luke guy keeps insisting I dated him which is quite sad.

He kept trying to make me remember but I couldn't and told him off.

How could I date someone so desperate, it's pathetic

Anyway, I ran through the streets, in a rush to meet someone who was supposed to help me.

On my way, I accidentally bumped this couple who was walking in my direction.

I didn't apologize or look back, instead I kept running. I took a sharp turn into an alleyway to wait for the guy who was supposed to help me.

~Luke's POV~

God i was so stupid. Why did i keep chasing after her. Now she just hates me.

I took a deep sigh as I slung my arm around Aubry. Yes I'm the worst, i know. A rebound. How much more sad and desperate can i get.

Cara, cara, cara. Why.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Aubry asked me for what felt like the thirtieth time. It was actually starting to get annoying.

"Yes" i said with some annoyance evident in my voice "I already told you i was okay". She pouted, noticing i was starting to get annoyed with her.

"I'm sorry. Look, why dont we just head back to my place" i muttered, suddenly not feeling like walking anymore. The sun was too bright and the sky was too blue. I hate it.

Maybe i would enjoy it more if i were with her...

Stop it, you need to fuck off. Before she hates you forever.

Maybe she'll get her memories back soon. Hopefully....

We turned around to head back but before we could take a step, someone came dashing towards us, bumping into us but not even stopping to apologize.

"What the hell is wrong with that person" Aubry grumbled, straitening herself and taking my hand once more.

I looked back to see who it was but she was too far away already. All i saw was her brown and purple hair...

Cara. Was that her? It could be... why was she in such a rush? Should i go after her?

No, im with Aubry. I cant. I need to move on.

I want to forget, but all i do is remember. Cara, why cant you be the one to remember what we were instead of me.

~Cara's POV~

"Just hand it over. I'll handle the rest" i muttered. He nodded, handing me the bag.

"It was nice doing business with you" he muttered sarcastically.  Finally, time to get to work.

I grabbed the bag and ran for the mall. Luckily, the place was packed. That means the shop keepers will be too busy to notice if anything went missing.

I opened the bag and used the tools he gave me to get into the security room. I disabled the cameras and deleted and past footage of me getting in here before sneaking out to fill my bag with whatever i wanted.

I got out using the emergency exits before proudly making my way back home.

If i can even call it home.

Like always, Calum was there waiting for me at the gate. He's been doing that ever since they got off tour.

"Where were you! You better not have caused trouble again" he scolded me.

"Why do you care? Can't you just go back on tour and leave me like before. You know, pretend you didnt have a sister and hate me whenever you came home?" I rolled my eyes.

I saw a look of pain flash across his face before he sighed and told me to get inside.

"Wait" he said, grabbing the bag and stopping me from walking any further. "Open it" he demanded.

I let out a small "hmph" but opened it anyway, mocking pride in what i just did.

"I knew you were growing up to be a trouble maker, didnt realize you were going to become a criminal too" he said blankly, unsure of what to do.

"Maybe if you got to know me more-" i cut myself off. He looked at me, one eyebrow raised.

"What? So what if i got to know you more?" He pressed.

"It doesnt matter. You were never like a brother to me. An example. A friend. A family member. You were and are nothing to me besides a nuisance" i declared.

"Do whatever the fuck you want with these" i said, throwing te bag at hime before storing to my room.

I heard him let out a frustrated scream into one of the pillows down there as i rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Maybe i should move out soon....that required money though" i sighed. I could easily get a job if i thought about it.

My brother is now known in the music industry, maybe i could use that for publicity....or get an actual job...

Either but whatever. I just want to get out of here.

From now on, i need to start preparing myself. Im gonna disappear from all of their lives.

Forget about all of them and leave them behind.

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