Chapter Four: The First Smile

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It's been a couple of weeks and my nightmares about Pietro have gone away. I've been distracting myself with missions and other miscellaneous stuff. Bucky has been a great help too. He's been there by my side every step of the way. I've gotten to know him better. He's distant sometimes but I can always crack his shell. He doesn't go on missions with us, but Steve said that will change soon. Bucky is still hesitant but I tell him that it'll be fine and not to worry about it.

I'm sitting in my room looking out the window. It looks beautiful outside. I wish I could go somewhere, but I'm only able to go when we're on a mission. As I avert my gaze somewhere else, my eyes land on a picture of me and Pietro. I know I'm doing better, but yet tears flood my eyes. It's still hard. I hear a knock on the door and I quickly wipe away my tears. I turn and see Bucky.

"Hey. What are you up to?" He asked.

I sniffed and forced a smile. "Nothing. Just staring out the window."

When he didn't reply, I knew he knew. He took one look at my red rimmed eyes and saw the picture of me and Pietro. He sighed and came over to me. He sat in a chair facing the corner of my bed.

"Wanda, I keep telling you to put that away."

I sniffed again and looked at him. "I know, but..."

"But nothing. You won't move on if that's the first thing you see every day. Once you've moved on, you'll be able to look at it without tearing up." Bucky pointed out.

I knew he was right, but I couldn't just put the picture up. I had to though. If I want to move on. I stand up and walk over to the wall where the picture is hanging up. I take it off the hook and gaze at it one last time before I put it in my desk drawer.

"You're almost there Wanda." Bucky said quietly.

I knew that Steve was in on this too. It took Steve a long, long, time to get over Bucky's 'death'. They both wanted what was best for me. Vision on the other hand didn't think that it would be healthy. Actually, Vision never agreed to anything Bucky said. Their arguments were so funny. I let out a laugh when I remembered one of their hilarious arguments.

"What's so funny?" Bucky asked.

I sat down across from him and told him my point of view from the argument that he and Vision had weeks ago. I was laughing the whole time and I could barely get anything out. I had noticed that Bucky's small smile was starting to grow and it grew into a huge laugh. The sound of his laugh made me so happy. I had never heard it before and I had never actually seen him smile. It was nice. We continued laughing for what seemed like hours.

After that blissful moment that Bucky and I shared, I felt so much better. I was able to talk about Pietro without getting upset or even shedding a tear. I was finally feeling at peace. The best feeling I've had in a long time. Bucky has changed my whole perspective of the world. He's the best thing that's happened to me since Pietro's death.

I'm laying on my bed and focusing on my scarlet hex that's swirling from my fingertips. I move it from hand to hand, studying it. A sudden knock on my door startles me and I shoot my hex towards the intruder.

"Woah! Hey!" Steve called out.

I stood up and sighed. "Sorry. It's a reflex."

Steve chuckled. "Well, at least you know you'll never be in danger with reflexes like those."

I smiled. "So what can I help you with?"

"Oh! Nothing actually, I just need you to come with me." Steve said.

"Why? Where to?" I asked.

Steve didn't answer me, he instead took my hand gently and led me down to the lounge.

"Ugh. Steve! What are you-" I stopped short as soon as we entered the lounge.

I noticed Bucky sitting in a chair reading some book and then I saw him.

"Clint!' I ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as I could.

He let out a soft chuckle and hugged me back. "I missed ya, kid."

"I missed you too." I said quietly. I felt warm, salty tears run down my face. I buried my head in his shoulder and hugged him tighter. Ever since Pietro's death, Clint became sort of a big brother figure to me. He was there and he saw everything. He comforted me the most and he told me he would never let anything happen to me. I trusted him almost immediately.

When we broke apart, he wiped away my tears and kissed the top of my forehead. I noticed Bucky glaring in the background. He looked very jealous. I'll deal with that later. Clint grabbed my hand. "Let's take a walk. Fill me in on everything I've missed."

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