Larissa's Intro.

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Chapter 8

(Larissa’s Intro.)

Larissa couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous as she prepared to be presented to the court. Her Engagement to Prince Rowan, Heir of Rosina, was about to be announced. Her two guards and friends Violet and Nina had warned her while some would praise the announcement that others would be livid.

Violet had even informed her there would be a king attending that expected his daughter Galina to be named as Rowan’s bride. The blonde woman remembered Rowan mentioning the woman’s name when he explained why he’d taken her from her world. From comments by others she was somewhat curious what would happen with respect to her.

Nina however had been the most concerned about three other women. She seemed to be more concerned about how Lady Hedashia, Princess Jenicia, and Lady Etiessa would react around her than Galina or her father. It left the once human young woman wondering just what she’d been dragged into. Violet had gone on to say the three never liked anyone introduced to court as they saw them as competition; competition on becoming Queen of Rosina.

“Do I have to go out there?” Larissa said less than excited. Nina laughed out right and Violet smirked. “I swear you two are no help sometimes.”

“You handle others very well,” Violet assured her. “You’ll do fine.”

“Or end up dead,” The blonde woman sighed.

“No you can take them in a fight,” Nina said. Larissa and violet both raised an eyebrow at the chestnut haired woman.  “No magic can be used within the ballroom. Many of the women are what your world would refer to as Prima Donnas. They are not what one would call physically strong.”

“Yeah but somehow I don’t think it would go over well if I decked one.”

“Just don’t throw the first punch,” Violet offered.

The once human woman looked from one to the other before shaking her head and walking over to the window. Carefully she pulled back the curtain just enough to peer outside. “Wow,” she commented seeing several beautifully dressed women entering the castle. “People go all out for a ball here, don’t they?”

“They are all hoping to be the one selected,” Nina said sounding annoyed. Larissa looked back and smiled at her. “Come on you don’t like any of them?”

“Not as much as you,” Violet replied. “Some aren’t bad but…many though nice but…they are not strong enough to handle all the responsibilities of ruling this kingdom.  Others would end up ruling through her. It would not be good.”

Hearing a knock Violet went to the door and opened it. “Dason.” She stepped aside and allowed Rowan’s captain to enter.

“You look beautiful my lady,” Dason praised seeing the woman dressed in a beautiful Burgundy dress.

The dress was floor length on gathered material decorated the rich strapless burgundy dress down to the floor. The waist had a satin band that went down into a v shape on her left side where a decorative silver jeweled pin was placed. Silver embellishments covered the top of the dress and went down to the floor in the very front of the dress where the dress was straight. The blonde woman’s hair was up in an intricate up do adorned with silver and burgundy rose jewels in the shape of roses.

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