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Yeah I know, I hate them too, but we gotta have them!

1) Be polite to the roleplayer! It's no fun when there's someone constantly nagging you about God knows what. It gets really annoying too.

2) Cussing. Is. Allowed. Just not every other word. If your character is under 12, however, keep it to BARE MINIMUM.

3) Smut. Ehhhhhhh... I'll allow it... but if it's all I see, then I'm prohibiting it. Also, they can't just be like, "eeeyyyy... wanna have smex? ;)"

4) I will allow a few shifters other than wolf, butcha gotta hurry! First come first serve! I'll put up which animals you're allowed to shift into!

5) As the old saying goes, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." Or, in this case, hate the character, not the roleplayer.

6) Please wait for me to accept your form! Please, please, please. I can't tell you how much I hate it when people just randomly join a role play without me knowing they made a form.

7) If I don't reply in 24 hours, SPAM ME. I am telling you to spam me, cuz I hate when a roleplay just cuts off. It sucks.

8) Tell me or whomever you're rp-ing with how long you will be away from the roleplay.

9) Follow the rules. Simple enough, right?

10) The first part of the password is your favorite colour.

11) Don't stay in just one area all the time. Roleplay in different places.

12) Please make male characters as well. If I see a strong imbalance, things won't be pretty.


15)NO MARY SUES OR GARY STUES! That. Is. Just. Fucking. Annoying. Also, no godmoding. Just... no.

16) Ask the roleplayer before your character has something to do with their character(s). (i.e. be their girl/boyfriend, have a crush on them, etc.)

That's it! Oh, and

17) HAVE FUN!!!

Second part of the Password: did you notice I skipped a number in the rules?   ;-)

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