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Noon came faster than expected. I couldn't concentrate all day because what Drew said in the elevator was on my mind all day. Even though I know there's a 100% chance the girl he likes isn't me. I'm average. Not rich or anything but just simple Rose Walker. If it is me then obviously I'd do everything I can to make him happy. I went down to the cafeteria and got the usual and saw Dave at the register. Everyone that I know of went to a restaurant and the cafeteria was pretty much empty except for three people sitting at a table socializing.

"So Rose, how did the star couple break up? ", he asked.

"Oh I uh can't tell you sorry. It's not my business to tell people why they broke up", I replied.

"Okay then what are you doing Saturday night?", he asked.

"Nothing unles Marco decides to trash the house Friday night and we have to clean", I replied.

"Is he your boyfriend?", he asked.

"No actually Marco's my best friend", I replied.

"So then he won't mind if I take you out Saturday night?", he asked.

I began blushing bright red. A date? I've never been on a date before. Marco never took me out before.

"Sure", I said.

"Great. Swing by here Friday and you can give me your number and address", he said.

"Okay", I said.

He took my hand and kissed the dorsal side of my hand like they do in the movies. I began blushing again and grabbed my food.

"See you Saturday", he said.

I began walking towards the elevator and was stopped by Drew. He looked like he just got fired frm his job or something.

"Do you need something Mr. King?", I asked.

Instead of replying he took my free hand and got me on the elevator then pressed three. Once we got to our floor and off the platform then into his office. He then closed the door and looked at me.

"You can't go out with Dave on Saturday", he said.

"Why not?", I asked.

"He's bad news Rose. He's a player, liar and manipulator", he replied.

"How would you know?", I asked.

"He was my personal assistant before you. He lied and said that I stole from the bank when it was him. I was in prison for a month and my business crashed because of all the gossip. Luckily Mackenzie was able to get through to the cops and agents to clear my name. I had fired him once I returned to my job. He was put away for three months and had no other job to go to. So I had made him work at the register since then", he replied.

"Look from what I can tell he's changed and he's not the same person. Just give him a chance", I said.

"Rose you're not going to see Dave Saturday", he said.

"It's my life and I'll do what I want", I said.

"You are not going to see him Saturday and that's an order", he said.

"What are you gonna do if I do?", I asked.

"I'm going to come to your house and spend the whole day there. You'll be staying home all day. I'll get your check together Thursday and bring it over Friday morning", he replied.

"But-", I began to say but he just had to cut me off.

"No buts and that's final. Now enjoy the rest of your lunch", he said.

I walked out the room and closed the door behind me. Then walked to my own office and closed the door then sat at my desk and began eating. How can he tell me what to do? Last time I checked he's not the boss of me at home. He can boss me around here but not with my life. I'm going to see Dave one way or another. Even if I have to break some rules...

Hint one! Drew was so jealous that Dave asked Rose out before him. Looks like Drew has some competiton and needs to step up his game. Hmm...what will Drew do? Read to find out. As always don't forget to...




Love you guys <3

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