Gabriel stepped into the kitchen, his eyes were swollen from crying and he looked like shit.

"Ill help make dinner," was all he said before pulling out some pots and pans.

Kota and I exchanged looks. Dr. Green and Nathan were the first to go up to the bathrooms and shower.

I turned my attention to Gabriel, "hey buddy, what would you like for dinner?"


I frowned at Owen when he walked towards the front door, Kota and North were coaxing a very broken Gabriel to say what he wanted for dinner.

"Owen, where are you going?"

"Dr. Green I don't have time for this, I need to be searching for her. She needs to be found," Owen's eyes had gone a little crazed at this moment.

"No, you need food and rest. If you're ordering the rest of us to sit around and make dinner and sleep before we go out tomorrow then you better be doing the same," I said, crossing my arms.

I disliked when he used such formal names, after all we were barely adults ourselves. He can't just use his actual name? Even to Sang he insisted on making her call him Mr. Blackbourne. Although, I don't think she would have known his actual name if I hadn't said anything.

Mr. Blackbourne looked at me, his face had little dots of mud and his outfit was soaked. I wish Gabriel was still himself, he would have been mad at us all for ruining such perfectly good clothes.

"You're right," he said at last, "I need the energy and sleep, I'm no good to her if I end up fainting from fatigue."

I nodded, that's right tough guy.

"You can sleep with me," I said cheerfully, walking towards the kitchen.

I heard Mr. Blackbourne's steps falter, "at what location, Dr. Green?"

"Sang's bed of course," I grinned and looked back at him.

His cheeks were pink and he had a wide eyed expression, I winked at him, sensing his

thoughts and walked through the kitchen doors.

Ah, I wish Pookie would be there. Well, of course everyone does but that day at the hospital, after she fell asleep I had her in my arms and I swore I could feel my heart melt. She was so beautiful and kind.

It made me wonder what actually holding her close in a bed while we both slept the night away would feel like. Probably spontaneous and wonderful.

The caterpillars that wriggle in my stomach whenever she was near had gradually turned to butterflies. Whenever I got the chance to spend time with her it felt like I was at an amusement park and the tower of doom was falling, my stomach was in my throat, but in a good way, and it felt like I was weightless. Drifting through life.

She made me feel wonderful because she was wonderful.

"Ahhhhh! What's cooking?" I grinned and sat on the counter.

I had to be the happy one today. Gabriel had been the one who kept things light generally through the past month or so, but now he was the gloomiest thing here.

Kota looked up at me, about to speak when Gabriel's melodic voice flowed through the air, "Homemade chicken pot pies," although his voice was quiet and broken it was easy to understand.

I smiled softly at him, he looked better, his eyes weren't crazed and he looked well fed and rested, I shot a glance at Victor and nodded, saying thank you for keeping an eye on him.

Sometimes I would be watching melt team and the medical part of me would flare up and I'd have to make sure each and everyone of them looked completely healthy and okay.

I had wanted to be a Dr. ever since someone very close to me had died. I could have helped her with the proper training. And that fact had stayed with me.

I nodded, Owen walked into the kitchen as did a freshly showered Silas, Nathan and Luke.

"Sounds divine, do you need help? Oh. And Owen is staying."

Owen glared at me for using his first name in front of the other guys but I rolled my eyes. It happened all the time.

Gabriel shook his head no and went back to cutting up veggies just so and North helped him. North didn't get mad when Gabriel corrected him and he didn't start yelling at Gabriel.

Kota pushed off the counter and everyone looked over at him.

"Okay, so Blackbourne, Green, you two have Sang's bed. North, Silas, Nathan's dad's bed. Luke, my bed and I'll take the pull out bed. Nathan and Gabriel take Nathan's bed," he said it without hesitation.

It amazed me, I'm pretty sure Kota was a classified genius but we hadn't been able to test him because he flat out refused. I understood, after all he'd been through he wanted some normalcy. Being with The Academy kind of made the normal part stressed but at least he didn't have to be labeled anything more.

Luke and Nathan took over roles next to Gabriel. Owen, North and I headed for the showers.

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