Chapter Four

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I felt the air shift, and Nathan's side of the bed dipped before flattening out. My eyes fluttered open to look at him and he bent down, kissing my cheek.

"Go to sleep, sweetie."

I yawned and turn, Victor's arms found my waist and he pulled me into his solid chest. I was so comfortable I fell back asleep.
Sunlight streamed in through my curtains, a wailing somewhere in the room woke me up and I grumbled.

Victor chuckled and let go of me, he got up and after a few seconds the room quieted again, except for Victor's baritone voice humming 'Winter'.

I sat up really fast and dragged a palm over my eyes. The clock on my phone said it was 9:13.

That was sleeping in for the academy.

I looked over at Victor, he was cradling Amira and rocking her back and forth. I smiled, "You're good with that," my voice was soft and filled with sleep.

Victor's cheekbones tinted pink and he flashed me a perfect grin, "and you're cute in the mornings."

I laughed softly, right before I rolled out of bed a text vibrated the phone in my hands.

"Who is it?" Victor asked.

"Gabriel, he wants to know what time he should come over," I looked at Victor, "Gabriel's coming over?"

He nodded, "and Silas and Luke. They wanted to go shopping too, princess."

Shopping? But it was just a doll!

I opened my mouth to protest and Victor cut me off, "Princess if you say one word about spending my money I'll buy you a present from every store," his eyes were steady and alive with their flames.

I nodded softly, knowing he was serious and not wanting him to do it.

"What should I tell him?"

He set Amira on my bed, "Tell that dumbass to come over now, and you go take a bath and get dressed. I'm making breakfast."

I sent a quick reply to Gabriel, relaying what Victor had said and then went to the bathroom. I quickly washed and shaved my body.

When I got out I felt a searing pain in my abdomen. After a minute it went away but I still


I got dressed and hang my towel on the hook Gabriel had made North install when Gabriel had decorated the bathroom.

After taking a second to play with my hair I walked downstairs. The pain was back but it wasn't as bad. When I got downstairs Luke, Gabriel, Silas and Victor were eating some eggs, there was another plate on the counter and I grabbed it.

The boys were talking about something I didn't understand- I didn't try to either.

Halfway through my breakfast a sharper pain erupted, I bent slightly, trying to get it to go away.

Victor looked up from the conversation, "Sang?"

I looked at him, straightening my posture. I didn't want to worry anyone with something so trivial as cramps. I had run out of the limited supply of pads that were in the house... so I'd have to grab some at the mall...

"Anyone else done?"

"Oy, let's get this fucking show on the road... where's Amira?"

I frowned and looked around, "Upstairs.. ill go get her."

I shot up the stairs as fast as I could, when I walked into the room Amira started crying. I picked her up and tried rocking her like Victor did, she just kept crying, her little mouth opening with each scream.

He eyes still creeped me out but I didn't want to say anything. Knowing the boys, they'd color over them or something just to make me feel better.

Amira's wails got louder.

Seriously? Was there an off switch?

Gabriel walked into the room to see me with Amira, "here Trouble, I want her.."

Reluctantly I handed her over to Gabriel.

"Oy, don't we have to feed this thing?"

I nodded slowly, what did we feed her? Gabriel nodded for me to follow him and we walked downstairs, him and Silas had a silent conversation and Silas got a banana and started smooshing it in a bowl.

What were they doing?

Luke stepped forward and started spooning smooshed banana to Amira. Amira stopped crying.

I sighed, I wasn't good at this. Victor came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Dont worry, Princess, we'll be here to help," he kissed my temple and when Gabriel, Luke, and Silas were finished Gabriel wiped Amira's face clean.

We took Victor's SUV.

We started out at a Target© in the mall, Gabriel picked out some baby food, a blanket, some more clothes, bottles, diapers, wetwipes, and a playpin.

When I tried to tell him we didn't need the playpin he cut me off, "Trouble when I stay the night I don't want to worry about smooshing Amira."

Every other time I tried to point out Amira was short term he would look at me and frown.

Luke sometimes gave suggestions as what to buy and Silas held a sleeping Amira.

After a while of Gabriel going through each brand of diapers pros and cons, the boys got tired and wanted to check out.

I was remembering my need of lady products as Gabriel finally relented. I didn't know where to go to find it and the boys were headed straight for the check out. I went to call out to them that I needed something but... I could find it myself, couldn't I?

I knew where they were headed so it would be easy for me to find them once in was done.

Decidingly, I turned and walked towards the opposite side of the store, where the hygiene product sign was.

When I got there I was overwhelmed by all of the choices, I was grabbing a random one when my cell phone buzzed.
Since I was wearing a skirt I had to dip my hand in my bra to retrieve my phone.

Gabriel: Trouble, what are you doing?

I hit my lower lip, shifting my weight to my other leg.

Sang: I needed something.

"Oy, Trouble, you know you can tell me this kind of shit right?"

Startled, I nearly dropped phone, spinning on my heals I found Gabriel at the entrance of the isle. He smirked and stepped forward, he took the package out of my hand and glanced from it to me.

"Sweetie, you know these ones.. go inside... right?"

I blushed deeply, shaking my head and pressing a finger to my lower lip, "I...,"

He put them back on the shelf and started grabbing random ones, reading the labels like he did the diapers for Amira, the tips of his ears and his cheekbones were pink but he kept going until he found one he liked. He grabbed two of them and then walked me over to the medicine. He grabbed some vitamins and Midol and then walked me back towards the guys. 

By this time my cheeks were on fire.

The guys were sitting there, Luke was rocking Amira and Silas and Victor were talking. Everyone looked up when we walked over and Gabriel put the stuff in the cart without a word.

All three boy's cheeks turned pink and we checked out. As we were headed out of the door to the food court I heard Luke's and Silas's tummy grumble at the same time.

"Lunch time?" Since Luke was holding Amira I slipped my hand in Silas's.

"Aggele mou, nothing sounds better right now."


After we dropped the stuff off at my house, and Gabriel set everything up just so, I felt my pocket vibrate.

North was calling.

I pressed answer and set the phone to my ear, the guys had dispersed. Victor and Silas had stuff to do and Luke and Gabriel were making dinner, I swear they could eat an elephant and not gain a pound.

"You better watch it Sang. North's mine. Go be a slut with one of the other guys," the voice was definitely not North's, it was high pitched, "me and North are dating. Exclusively dollface. That means he doesn't need you."

The call disconnected, I tried to calm my racing heart as I put the phone down.

She wasn't with North, I told myself. But she did have his phone. . . What was going on?

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