Chapter 1

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I glanced at the clock, only 5 minutes left of brain torture, I mean school. The teacher just keeps droning on about broadening our horizons and after the first hour of the lecture, I just tuned him out. This was one of only two classes I didn't have with Jake and Emily. They had him first period and I pitied them. The teaching staff can only go so far with students like them. I suddenly remembered that Jake had caught me in the halls and told me to meet him at the park after school. He simply wouldn't give up on trying to make me a troublemaker. All of the sudden the bell rang, and the room was flooded with sighs of relief. I scrambled to pack my bag and dash out of the building, and seemed to catch every single elbow in the school on my way out. The park was a 2 minute walk away, so I tossed on my jacket and walked the obscenely cold two minutes to the park. When I got there, what I saw surprised me. Jake and Emily were conversing rather quietly. I seemed to startle them when I said "Hi". Jake seemed to instantly explode with excitement. He said "how would you like to go on a road trip?" I thought it sounded great but "Who would drive us, Emily only has her learner's permit?" "Emily is right here you know." She responded sarcastically, "I can pass for 16." "So wait," I responded "you want me to go on a road trip with just the three of us, only one of whom can legally drive, and even then only with an adult?" "Yep" stated Jake. I thought he was insane, but then it hit me, we could escape the boredom here and travel anywhere. "So where to?" I asked. "Well it's a rather complicated trip." Stated Jake. "We would drive Emily's car to Jacksonville then take a bus to wherever we want." This was a completely ludicrous plan that could get them killed, but I could probably save them from getting stranded someplace in the middle of nowhere. So I agreed to go. That was the best and worst decision of my life. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Author's Notes,

I'm going to work the descriptions into the story, so please don't be mad. Have a wonderful week.

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