Day 1

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Upon arriving at Kuroo's apartment, Kenma promptly flopped onto the couch. Kuroo smiled at his little kitten and sat on the ground next to the completely taken couch. Kenma exhaled heavily and rolled onto his stomach, tucking his face into his arms.

"Kuroo?" The question was slightly muffled by Kenma's arms.

"Yeah?" Kuroo asked, tilting his head back to lean it against Kenma's ribs.

Kenma reached his hand to the side and buried it in his boyfriend's spiky hair. "I'm bored."

Kuroo snorted and looked at Kenma incredulously, "It's only been about an hour, kitten, are you quitting already?"

Kenma shook his head and turned his face to look at Kuroo. His wrist was tucked under his cheek and it made his face squish. Kuroo found this very adorable. 


"Yeah, Kenma?"

"I'm not quitting."


"I'm still bored.... Can something?"

Kuroo's interest was piqued and he turned more toward Kenma, who looked away. "Like what Kenma?"

"Can you...can we kiss?"

Kuroo's eyebrows shot up and his mouth fell open. Kenma always enjoyed kissing and cuddling and the works, but he never instigated it and he never asked for romantic actions. "You really want to?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma blushed fiercely and nodded, "Time passes quicker when we do so...."

Kuroo smirked and got up, Kenma followed suit. Just as Kuroo started to pull the smaller boy closer, Kenma pulled away.

"Actually, Kuroo, since I've got nothing else to do, I figured we could try stuff."

Kuroo actually felt kind of nervous and he warily asked, "Stuff?"

Kenma turned scarlet and he pushed some hair behind his ear before looking at his boyfriend. "Could I maybe...kiss you this time?"

Kuroo let out a small sigh of relief, for a moment there he thought some sort of bondage was about to happen. "Sure thing kitten." 

Kenma blushed harder and looked like he hadn't quite expected Kuroo to agree. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him toward the couch. Grabbing the other boy's shoulders, Kenma pushed Kuroo onto the cushions. 

The setter bit his lip as he sat in Kuroo's lap with ease. He wrapped his legs around the spiker's waist and dropped his arms onto the other boy's shoulders.  Kuroo raised an eyebrow as Kenma sat blushing on his lap. 

Kenma slowly leaned forward until his lips brushed Kuroo's before pulling back an inch. Kuroo groaned, "If you're gonna kiss me, kiss me! Teasing is cruel Kenma!"

Kenma smiled, "I know." The smaller boy leaned forward again and Kuroo felt soft lips meet his. For a moment, that was all it was; lips on lips. Neither boy moved and the world seemed to slow down. Quickly, Kenma started moving his lips, catching Kuroo off guard. Kenma forced Kuroo's lips open and the setter's tongue flickered inside of the spiker's mouth.

Kuroo made a sound of shock before his tongue joined Kenma's. The kiss lasted a few minutes, growing deeper and hotter with every passing second. Finally, Kenma broke away and a string of saliva was left connecting the boys' mouths. 

Kenma blushed and Kuroo felt his face grow warm as well before wiping at the string with his sleeve. Some time during the kiss, Kenma had knotted his hands in Kuroo's pre-messed-up hair.  Kuroo slipped his hands under the hem of Kenma's shirt and they started traveling up the setter's slender back. 

Kuroo turned and started to lay Kenma on his back when the smaller boy said, "I'm not done yet!"

Kuroo was startled, but he sat back up and Kenma untangled his fingers from his boyfriend's hair. Kuroo lifted his eyebrow again, "Not done, eh?"

Kenma blushed and shook his head. "There' One more thing I want to do..."

Kuroo curled his arms around Kenma's waist and grinned, "Then do it."

Kenma bit his lip and nodded. He leaned forward again and his lips met the skin of Kuroo's jaw. He pressed soft kisses in a long line from Kuroo's jaw, to below his ear, down to the base of his neck, back to below his ear. With each kiss Kuroo let out another sigh and it convinced Kenma to keep going.

Once the setter had gotten back to the space below Kuroo's ear, Kenma lingered. He parted his lips and sucked hard at the spot, drawing a gasp from his boyfriend. Kenma continued sucking and even got in a bite before pulling away from Kuroo's neck, admiring the mark he had left. 

Kenma flashed Kuroo a sickly sweet smile that had a lot more innocence than the setter actually had. "All done!"

Kuroo's mouth literally dropped and he searched Kenma's eyes before busting out laughing, "Kenma, you're so adorable!" He laughed for another moment before Kenma joined in and then the spiked pushed the setter into the couch and peppered the other boy's face with kisses. 

The rest of the day was wasted watching Frozen until both boys had all of the songs memorized and could accurately rein-act the  'Love is an Open Door' choreography (Kenma had to be Anna). 

By ten o'clock, they were both tired and humming 'Let it Go' and 'Summer.' The two decided that Kenma would sleep on the couch and Kuroo in his room, in case Kuroo got tempted to try something on Kenma in his sleep. 

After kissing Kenma goodnight, Kuroo went to the kitchen and put te setter's phone on top of a high cabinet that the smaller boy couldn't reach. 

The first day had ended. 

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