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Danny's p.o.v:
As the storm gets worse, the bus driver pulls over. I hear Jorel get up. I look at the storm and I kind of start to panic on the inside. Jorel puts a hand on my shoulder."You OK Danny?" I nod and I get up. Thunder hits really hard which causes me to jump. I close my eyes,expecting to hit the ground, but instead I get caught by someone. I look up and I see that it's Jdog. I smile and he smiles back.
Jdogs p.o.v:
I see Danny jump and trip. I quickly catch him. He opens his eyes and smiles. I smile back and I see a faint pink tint form on his face. I lift him up but he falls onto my shoulder. We both stand there awkwardly. He lifts his head up."Thanks for catching me." "No problem." He grabs a soda and I grab one too. We watch some Tom and Jerry. While watching thus, I see Danny starting to fall asleep. I scoot closer to him on the couch. He puts his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. I turn off the tv and I pick him up. I lay him in his bunk. As I walk away, he grabs my wrist."Please stay,I'm kinda scared of the thunder. I see the fear in his eyes. I sigh and lay next to him. He curls up in my chest like a little kid. I wrap my arms around him and fall asleep next to him.

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