Earth part 1

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  5 years, that's how long I have stared at these gray walls. You see I lived on the Ark, a space station that's floated just outside of the earth for the past 97 years. On the Ark any crime is punishable from attacking another person to stealing medicines. The worst crime on the Ark is that of having a second child.

I was a second child.

My mother didn't plan on having twins but when she was wailing and screaming at my father on how much it hurt she was only expecting a fully healthy male. What she got was a feeling of dread when the doctor told them there was another baby. I came out 5 mins later to the sad tears of my mother. My father furious with my birth grabbed the doctor yelling that it was his fault he saw the scans and told them there was only one. His response was that sometimes in cases like this the boy will place himself in front of the female and protect her, hiding her from the world. He protected me but in doing so damned me to a life of hiding and always looking over my shoulder.

For fifteen years my parents hid me in the air vents of our room. My only time outside of our home was when my brother would tell me stories of his adventures. Everything was going well until our fifteenth birthday came around. I was let out for the day so we could celebrate, but our next-door neighbor caught us and called the guard. I was sent directly to the sky box to await my eighteenth birthday. The day I would be floated. Today was that day.

As I was sitting in my cell the doors opened and two guards walked in. "Prisoner 235 face the wall and put your hands up."

I got off my bed and glared at them as I did as they said, I really didn't need to be tasered before I was sent to my death. One of the guards walked behind me wrapping a metal bracelet around my right wrist. As I flinched from the slight sting I felt from the needles I turned to them with a raised eyebrow. "At least buy me dinner first before we get to the kinky stuff guys."
As they pulled me by my arms out of the room they both looked at me with faces of disgust.
"Hey" I said with a grin on my face "don't tell me you guys don't have fun in the closets while your off duty. No shame gents, no shame."

When I finally decided to look at my surroundings I realized that all the delinquents were being sent to a waiting drop ship, and I was one of them. I would have freaked out if it hadn't been for the fact that I saw the one person I thought I would never see again, my brother. I tried to struggle out of the guard's arms so I could reach him. When I realized I couldn't I stuck with the good old yelling of names, right before I was pushed into the drop ship I screamed his name at the top of my lungs, just to let him know I was here and I would be seeing him soon.


When we got into the drop ship I was pushed into a seat and strapped in. I looked around and found that the person to my left was a small girl who looked to be about thirteen years old. I felt disgusted thinking that the Ark would put someone so young on a ship to their death.
As I waited for the ship to move the girl next to me woke up and looked around in fear. When her eyes stopped at me I gave her a smile and introduced myself.
"The names Danny, how about you sweetheart." She looked at me for a moment like she was contemplating if she should really tell me, I guess she decided I was okay when she started talking to me.
" My names Charlotte, do you know where there sending us?"

"Well miss charlotte the Ark seems to be sending us down to earth." She looked at me in fear. "I thought earth wasn't ready yet, why would they send us?" Before I could answer her question, the drop ship was released and we were on the move. As soon as the pod shook a video of the chancellor appeared on small screens set all around the room.

"Prisoners of The Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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