Chapter 3

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Nicki POV
Meek decided to follow me home so now I'm on my way home and Thembi decided that she will drop Brooklyn off.

Nicki's house

"Well I'm still upset about you leaving me but can I have a kiss??" Nicki says shyly as she holds her arms out.

"Hell yeah baby come here " Meek says as Nicki walks into his arms."Meek" Nicki whispers ."Yes??" Meek answers as he holds her ."I missed you so much baby". A crying Nicki says.

Nicki Pov
Ok so I know I said I wouldn't cry but I missed him so much . You don't know what it feels like to have the person you love the most just suddenly taken away from you .


"But Mama Kathy I don't know why he isn't answering  he said he would be right back . He lied to me I'm sure he's out somewhere cheating right now .I mean was I that bad of a girlfriend plus I'm 7 months pregnant this is horrible ."

"Nicki honey calm down for the baby I'm sure Meek is taking care of business ."

"I mean I know that but he cou- gco"

•Nicki phone rings •

"Hello ." Onika says unsure of the number .

"Hello this is the Penn Presbyterian hospital of Philadelphia . And I'm calling in regards to Robert Williams .Im sorry to say he was shot and he didn't make it."The woman on the phone says .

"Wh-what do you mean ?!! What are you t-t-talking about what shooting this is a joke right??? RIGHT ??! Please tell me your kidding don't play with me !"

Mama Kathy comes out the kitchen confused on what happened that quick.

"What happened ??" A extremely confused Kathy says

"This doctor is saying that Meek got shot she's lying please Mama Kathy tell me she's lying please ."

"He-Hello ?"

"Yes this is The Penn Presbyterian Hospital of Philadelphia and I am calling in regards to Robert Williams ."the lady repeats.

"What about him??Is my son ok??Tell me what happened ?? What happened ??"

"Ma'am I am not able to tell you what happened if you are still talking."

"Fine I'll stop now tell me what is going on."

"Well apparently Robert has been in a shooting and got hit in his chest and it was too late to save him he choked on his own blood and his lungs somehow got filled with blood and he passed ."


"Do you want me to repeat it again "the lady asked obviously annoyed

"No I'm on my way ."

•Flashback over •

"Meek I just want you to know I love you so much if it's never get to say it again."

"Baby I love you more I just didn't want you or Rihyland to get hurt."

"Well I know that now I'm just really emotional I didn't expect to start a new job and meet you there ."Nicki says as Meek wipes away the remaining tears.

Someone knocks on the door

"I got it baby " Meek says

"Meek ??" Thembi says unsure

"Hey Thembi"

"I thought you were dead well I had to fake it in order to keep my family save ."

"I lowkey missed you I'm happy you back"Thembi hugs Meek .

"Aunt Thembi " Rihyland says looking at Meek

"Yes Rihyland "

"Who is he?"

"That's your dad Rihy " Thembi says unsure or how Rihyland would react ."Wait mommy said daddy was dead why you lie Aunt Thembi  lie no good to do aunty."

I am typing Rihyland 's sentences to make them look like a three year old would say I know how to spell guys English may not be my first lauguage but I can still understand sentences and things of that sort.😭

-Rihyland Journee Williams Pov
Well hey guys my mommy said that daddy was gone forever and now he's here wow magic.

As you can see I changed Brooklyns name to Rihyland so yeah .

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