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"Do it," the voices taunted him.
He pointed the gun at the blurred figure.
"Do iT!" they said, getting louder.
He held his finger on the trigger.
"I don't want to." He cried out.
The faint ringing that surrounded the voices grew, as did the voices.
His hands started to twitch, making the gun shake in his unstable hands.
He felt himself go numb as the static consumed his vision and the ringing drowned out his hearing.
He let out one last shaking breath as he pulled the trigger.

Jay jolted awake. He'd been having those dreams for awhile now, and they've been getting worse. It always ended up with him killing someone, let it be Alex, Tim, Brian, Jessica, Amy, Seth or Sarah. Sometimes even a person he didn't know. Sometimes even himself.
Jay let out a faint sigh as he looked at the camera he'd set up last night. He turned it off.
"I'm not crazy." He muttered to himself.
He looked around his room, pages covering the walls, floor, and the windows. He didn't know what time it was, but stating that there was no light trying to shine from the blocked windows, he assumed that it was still night.
Yawning, he tiredly got out of his bed, picking up his camera. He tried turning on his camera but to no avail, it was dead.
"God damnit.." He whispered in a barely audible voice.
He groggily stumbled out of his dim room, and slowly walked down the stairs, not even bothering to turn on the lights. Jay did his daily routine of checking the windows, barely being able to see out of them.
A ghost of a smile played at his face when nothing unusual was outside of his window.
Jay slowly trudged back up his stairs, the feeling of being watched slowly creeped up at him, making him glance behind him every so often and making him slightly paranoid. He shook his head. It's probably nothing, He though to himself.
He flopped on his bed, laughing. "I hate my life." He said with a smile.

Jay opened his eyes to feel a throbbing pain in his head. He groaned in pain as he tiredly moved his hand around trying to find his pills. He picked up an empty one, and threw it at the wall. He picked up a few more empty ones, before realizing he was out.
"Fuck." He cursed, the headache getting worse.
He groggily sat up, clutching his head with his hands. The familiar sound of ringing drowned out his hearing, and the static blurred his vision. Jay recognized this from his reoccurring dream. Only this time he wasn't killing someone.
He shut his eyes tightly and prayed for this to stop. Jay managed to open his eyes slightly, despite the unbearable pain. He managed to make out a tall, black, figure.
"What the.." He muttered with an unsteady voice.
The figure stood there. Watching. It seemed like the thing was waiting for Jay to do something. The presence of the figure felt somewhat.. Familiar. Jay couldn't really understand why.
"G-go away.." He muttered, afraid of this.. thing.
This thing had appeared mostly in his nightmares before, so he assumed he was dreaming.
"Y-you're.. You're n-not real!" He yelled, mostly trying to convince himself rather than just saying it.
Jay opened his eyes again, still holding his head in his hands. The thing moved closer. The headache worsened, and he started coughing.
Then he heard the voices. They were the same ones from his dream, and they were telling him to do horrible things.
"St-.. Stop!" He said between his violent coughs. "You're not real.. You're not real!" He continued.
At this point, Jay was on the floor, violently coughing. Everything got worse. The unbearable pain made him scream out in pain.

Jay's heavy breathing was the only sound in the defining silence. He carefully opened his eyes and looked up, feeling relieved that the thing was gone.
The pain had stopped, as did everything else. His breathing slowly steadied, and he stood up.
Looking around his room, he came to find that nothing had changed. Except for the small blood stain left from his coughing attack.
Jay let out a small sigh as he put his camera on its charge. He didn't know what to do now. That thing.. He didn't know what it was, nor did he want to find out.

A few hours later, once Jay's camera had finished charging, he turned it on and started recording. He quietly walked down the stairs, not wanting to break the comfortable silence of being alone that he'd gotten used to.  Jay trudged into his kitchen and looked around for food. He finally settled on eating a grapefruit, because it was one of the only food items he has.
"Grapefruits are bullshit.." He muttered, eating the food.
Jay smiled to himself, "I'm bullshit."
He looked at his camera. It was his only friend that he hasn't had a dream about killing. Well, it was his only friend in general.

After finishing the food, Jay did what he always did; check his windows. Picking up his camera, he walked to his paper-covered door. When he looked behind them, he was delighted to see nothing out there. He did this with every window, and the same events repeated. Nothing was there.
Maybe, he thought, maybe I'm just insane.
Jay chuckled as he walked back up the stairs, to his room. Now that he thought about it, he was almost always in his room. Let it be drawing that damned symbol, recording, or even encounters with that thing- it was almost always in his room. Well, he didn't eat in his room.. Then again, he barely ate. 
Jay shut the door to his room, locking it. The sound of the lock crashed his train of thought, and he set his camera on the nightstand by his bed. He positioned it in a way so that it would still be on him.
Jay shut his eyes, not tired in the least bit.
"Everything is fine.."

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