
513 29 10

Well, long time no see. I guess that's partially my fault. I'm just going to get to the point.

I tried to long into this account but Wattpad kept saying the password was wrong (like tf) and I kept trying but it wouldn't work. I did everything I possibly could for weeks but it still wouldn't let me log in. So after dealing with this for a long time, I gave up. It was clear that I would never get my account back :(

But just today I decided to try again just one last time and now it works ????

I'm soooo sorry that Wattpad likes to glitch out on me. I'm sorry for wasting your time making covers for the last contest :( but since the deadline is already passed, and there are WAY too many entries to catch up on, I'm really sorry to say that the last contest won't count. But I'll be making more.



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