~Born to Stay Alive~ -Chapter 1 Part 1. Welcome to Earth!-

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-Elli's Pov-

I was pulled out of my depressing story about how my parents died, when 2 guards walked into my cell followed by Abby Griffin, Clarke's mom. I was not expecting her, I thought she would go see her own daughter.

"Prisoner 150 stand up," one of the guards told me. I hesitated, should I do this.

I looked to Abby for an answer, and all she did was give me a nod. I slowly stood up and faced the guards. "What's going on?" what a stupid question.

"Hold out your wrist." I held out my arm for the guard. The guard snapped on a metal wrist band, after they put the wrist band on, I brought it up to my body and rubbed my wrist. That hurt like a bitch. I looked up to Abby.

"I'm so sorry Elli" Abby said in a whisper.

"Why? What's going on?" I smiled a sad smile. "You're sending us to Earth to save air for the rest of you," I said my voice quivering lightly.

Abby nodded pulling me into a hug, "Stay safe. You're like a daughter to me, I don't want anything to happen to you. Don't take off your wrist band it transmits your vital signs to the ark so that I know your alive. Try and keep as many of you alive as possible. You can do this; I know you can." Abby whispered in my ear while hugging me tight.

I nodded my head as I closed my eyes trying to hold back tears, "Did you see Clarke yet?"

"Yes. We don't have long, your about to leave. Please keep save Elli. You know just as much medical stuff as I do, you can perform if needed." I nodded me head again.

"May we meet again," I told Abby as the guards pulled me away.

Abby nodded her head and blow mw a kiss, "May we meet again"


Sitting in the dropship to my right is a metal wall, I looked to my left to see Clarke, I was so happy to see her. Next to Clarke was a chocolate colored boy named Wells Jaha, also known as the chancellor's son. A good friend of mine and Clarke's, well he was our friends until he... my thoughts slipped my mind as I thought about something else.

"Welcome back," Wells said to Clarke as she was waking up as well. "Look..."

"Wells what the hell are you doing here?" Clarke asked him, I was about to ask him the same exact thing.

"When I found out they were sending the prisoners to the ground I got myself arrested," Wells said holding up his wrist showing Clarke his wrist the band on it. "I came for you," as you probably noticed Wells defiantly has a thing for Clarke to bad she's pissed at him.

"Hey Clarke," I smiled slightly hearing all the commotion of the other 99 prisoners. Some freaking out not knowing what was happening and others talking about what happened.

"Oh hey Elli. You know what's going on right?" Clarke asked looking at me, I nodded, well obviously I knew.

I was about to reply when a guy dressed in a guards' uniform walked by taking a sit across from me. What the hell, Jaha sent a guard down with us? No this couldn't be right he wouldn't risk the guard's life.

All of a sudden the dropship shook and started to make a humming noise, most of the prisoners screamed and the sudden jolt. I looked to the wall next to me and seen 2 boys who looked familiar, look at each other, "What was that?" Clarke asked.

"That was, the atmosphere," Wells said.

Suddenly Chancellor Jaha, himself, came onto the screen with a message, 'Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now, you've been given a second chance.'

Stay Alive*The 100 Bellamy Blake Fanfic*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora