No One Needs to Know

Start from the beginning

"Wha' the fuck're ya' doin' in here?" The boy asks, voice rough from coughing. He glares up at Mark with bleary eyes. He's doesn't look quite as intimidating as he likely means to be. Though, what ever accent that is sure makes up for it.

"Escaping some assholes..." Mark mutters, irritated. "You should have locked the door if you didn't want to get caught."

"I thought I did," the boy grumbles, slumping dow to sit properly on the seat. "But whatever. S'long as you won't tell on me I don't give a fuck."

"I won't tell. No one needs to know." Mark promises, holding out his hand in offer to shake on it. The boy gives him an odd look and moves to pass Mark his joint, one brow raised in question. It wasn't what he meant, but the offer is somewhat tempting. He shakes his head, "I- I've never smoked before."

"Oh? Y'ever shotgunned at least?"

Mark shakes his head, confused. His friend Danny had offered to "shotgun" him once but he didn't know what it meant and the term made him nervous. The other boy narrows his eyes, a small smirk playing at his lips.

"You want to?" He asks, glancing to the joint between his fingers. Mark shrugs, heart pounding. He's not sure what to expect, and he's certain it isn't a good idea either way. But something about this boy and this situation make him want to say yes.

"I'm not sure how it works." Mark finds himself saying, and he nearly slaps his hand over his mouth to shut himself up. He shouldn't be inquiring about something like this. He should be in class. But this boy before him is chuckling to himself and he has the most blindingly genuine smile Mark has ever seen.

"I'll show ya', if you want? Probably won't get ya' quite as high as smokin' it yer'self..." He trails off, then lets out a quiet squeak. "I'm Jack, by the way."

"Ah, nice to meet you, Jack..." Mark cringes when he catches his voice tremble. Stupid nerves. "I'm Mark."

"Cool." Jack says, smiling dopily. Without another word, he takes a pull from his joint, eyes closed and inhaling deeply. He reaches out with his free hand to grab Mark's shirt and pull him down so that they're face to face. Mark stares at Jack with restless eyes, trying to figure out what the fuck is happening. But then Jack is staring back at him, his piercing blue eyes commanding attention. Mark feels almost at ease with the situation. He feels like he can trust Jack, for some reason he can't comprehend.

Jack releases his grip on Mark's shirt and brings his hand to his mouth instead, urging Mark to open up. He does as instructed, heart thundering away in his chest as Jack starts moving closer. Their noses bump and Jack tilts his head a little, then taps Mark's chest. He's not entirely sure what it means, but he's got an idea of what to do. Jack exhales, letting the smoke flow from his lips, and Mark hesitates for a moment before he breathes it in. His head is swimming already, but he knows it's not the weed. He inhales until he can't anymore, and starts to let it go. Jack hums his disapproval and presses their mouths together to stop him.

Mark blinks his eyes open in surprise, breath catching in his throat and lungs. He is hyper-aware of Jack's fingertips where they rest on his cheek, of soft lips against his own. He stands still, stunned, lungs beginning to burn from holding the smoke in. Jack slowly pulls away, and Mark exhales into the space between them.

"So um..." Jack pauses, chewing his bottom lip in thought. "That's not how it always goes, by the way."

"I didn't think so." Mark agrees quietly, surprised that he wasn't coughing up a lung or two.

"I mean the kiss part," Jack clarifies, cheeks flushing. "I mean, it happens, jus' not always."

"Why did you..?"

"I wanted to." Jack shrugs, snubbing out his joint and pocketing what's left. Mark raises a brow at that but doesn't say anything. "Yer' a really good lookin' guy."

"I... um, thanks?" Mark stammers, pulling his fingers through his hair. Jack only smiles at him, a ridiculous little lopsided smile, eyes twinkling.

"Thank fuck yer not mad at me." Jack laughs and shakes his head, "I was a little worried ya' might punch me."

"N-no, I wouldn't." Mark presses his lips firmly shut, stopping himself from saying what's on the tip of his tongue. But the longer he stares at Jack, gaze drawn towards his mouth, the more he wants to say it. Then Jack licks his lips and Mark's breath hitches. He has to say it. "I liked it," he whispers, half hoping Jack won't hear him. "I liked it a lot."

Jack's smile twitches, slowly turning into a smirk. He flutters his lashes and tips his head to one side. "Oh did ya' now?"

Mark bites the inside of his bottom lip, nodding. He shouldn't have said that. But somehow, as ridiculous it seemed, he thought maybe saying it would open the door for a second kiss. He isn't even sure why he wants it. But oh, god does he want it. He wants to try again, properly this time.

"C'mere," Jack croons, crooking a finger to beckon Mark closer. He leans in, leaving mere inches between their faces. "I shoulda' asked permission last time..." Jack whispers, looking a little disappointed in himself. "Can I kiss ya' again, Mark?"

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