Chapter 02

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Désirée found Marshall cuffing Zafira to her bed in her room. She liked leather and it showed in the cuffs and straps on her wrists and ankles. She laid with her head and shoulders down on the bed and her tush up in the air, providing a good view of the pink lips sticking out of her pussy.

'This good?' he asked Zafira.'

'Yeah.' she said, moving her body back and forth. 'It's good.'

'I'll get your first customer then.' he said and took out his pad.

'Before I freeze with my ass hanging out in the cold.' she chuckled.

'No worries, as usual you won't have much time to cool off.' he said, giving her a wink and saw Désirée. 'Hey there. I'll come for you after I get her customer.'

She nodded and gave Zafira a wave in greeting. 'Hope you enjoy tonight.'

'Well, it's a living.' chuckled Zafira.

Désirée sat naked on the bench and Marshall entered her room two minutes later. 'Ready for another night?'

She nodded. 'M-mm.'

'Any preference tonight?' he asked, opening the trunk.

'I liked what you did yesterday, can you do that again?' she asked, kicking her feet like a little girl.

He took out the freshly washed ribbon and smiled at her. 'As you wish.'

He tied her up carefully again, making sure she was comfortable enough and returned to the monitoring room after letting in her first customer, a distinguished looking gentleman who just needed something to distract him from a difficult day.

'Looks like the new girl has fun at this job.' said Bob, glancing at her monitor.

Marshall watched the aroused look on her face as she bounced a little from the man's thrusts and smiled. 'I guess she does. Looks like she'll be popular here.'


Désirée got to know the other girls better during the days while they shared stories during breaks and before and after shifts. Fran was back and Désirée thought she looked very sexy with her dark red curly hair, green eyes and slim figure in tight jeans. When the subject of why they started working here most said they did it because it gave them a good living and others because they just couldn't handle regular office work. Désirée told them she wanted to save for early retirement, feeling her true reason would make her an outcast if anyone knew.

Marshall got to know the way she liked to be bound and she felt happy he made sure she could be tied up for hours and still feel comfortable, although a little stiff at the end of the shift.

'Come here.' he said as she stretched herself and he pat on the bench. 'Lay down on your tummy.'

She wondered what he was up to and laid down while he searched the trunk. He came back with a bottle and squirted the contents in one hand, then wiped both hands together. When he placed his hands on her back she let out a soft sigh.

His back massage felt great and she felt the stiffness melt like snow before the sun. 'That's good..' she whispered. 'Thank you..'

'You're welcome.' he said, glad to see it felt good. 'I just couldn't let you go home all stiff. Just like our customers.'

She chuckled and smiled as she watched him from the corner of her eye. 'No wonder all the girls want to take you home. You're just too good to be true.'

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