There is always light at the end of a tunnle

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Life can be great.

It can be all sunshine and lolipops.

Until you plunge into a world of darkness.

Where you look at yourself

And judge your looks

Your attitude

Your personality

Your life


Is a word to explain this.

But you have just got to hang on

To that last glimmer of hope

And keep on walking

Then one day the darkness growns lighter

And lighter

And lighter

Till your back to the great life you have had before.

It will come to you as it did for me

For her

For him

And them

And you will come out stronger

As Christina Aguilera once said

''The toughest road often leads to the top''

It just that your road could be longer

But if you hang on

You will make it to the light at the end of the tunnle

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