"Smile." I said in a 'say cheese' voice, already grinning up and right as I took the picture Harry turned his head and kissed my cheek.

It was short lived of course and I was honestly too suprised by the flash of the light and the suddenness of his lips on my skin but Harry and I immediatly pulled away from eachother, making me drop the camera to the floor when our watches began to beep as we took in deep shakey breaths and stared at eachother.

"I-I apologize. I shouldn't have- I didn't mean to hurt you-" Harry strained, reaching his hand out to me when I pressed myself against the cushions, trying to breathe properly as my heart pumped vigorously along with his before he flinched his hand back when he saw the pained look on my face that mirrored his.

"No no, it's fine. Don't apologize I- I enjoyed it." I swallowed, my words genuine.

Being close to Harry will always overpower any pain I would have to endure.

"I know I just. I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry my lady." He quickly apologized, blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly while he eyed me from across the couch.

"Don't worry about it, hey look," I told him, wanting to change the subject as the beeps of our watches began to slow before I bent over and picked up the camera from the floor, taking out the polaroid picture of us from the slit as I fanned it a bit in the air.

"Our first picture together..." I sang out, showing it to Harry who was still trying to create a fair distance between us before my playful attitude fell when the picture came in to view making the both of us lean forward in disbelief.

It was the picture.

The picture of me smiling at the camera, of Harry kissing my cheek, of that ugly Elvis Presley pop art in the back behind us in his living room.

Harry and I exchanged bewildered looks before I flipped the photo over, expecting to find the words 'And I'd do it all over again' on the back only to find it completely blank.

"But I thought- I thought the photo of us was from the past. I showed it to you in your story, after we made love and I never knew why I had it." Harry began, his words slow and confused as I turned the picture over so we were looking at the photo again as I pursed my lips in thought.

"So the picture wasn't us from the past... but from the future?" I questioned, locking eyes with Harry before we both peered down at it again.

And the longer I looked at that photo of me smiling, of Harry kissing my cheek.

The more I felt a deep unsettling feeling  within me in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.


"Do it." I smiled, poking Harry as he crossed his arms over his chest, sinking in his seat while he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Please do not make me do this Lady Liza-"

"Do it." I repeated, poking him again before he let out a sigh of defeat, his body tensing as he slowly rose from his chair, looking for one of the vendors who was yelling out 'hot dogs hot dogs! Come get your hot dogs' before Harry spotted one a few rows away from us.

"My good sir, I would like to request two of your finest sizzling canines yes?" Harry called out to the vendor, holding out his money making everyone close by turn to give him a look at how he was speaking as I smirked in my chair and watched him, trying not to laugh.

"Yes good sir! Bring those canines hither!" I shouted, standing to my feet when I noticed Harry blushing as more and more people at the game started to stare at us before I yelled for the vendor by Harry's side who was looking at us with a blank expression.

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