"Off ye go, missy. Don't dissapoint us."

"I won't."

The people raised their eyebrows at me, probably because I was new and my costume was ridiculous. It was made out of asbestos so that it wouldn't burn, and I looked like I was wearing a soft, odd armor. It was ridiculously tight around the waist as well.

"Show us what you've got!" a boy no more than sixteen shouted.

I clapped my hands and made fire, did a juggling act, made fire dance from my seemingly fireproof hair, and did my odd dragon act.

The people burst into roars of applause, and it felt as if they were taunting me, if not cheering for me.

I got off the stage quickly and breathed deeply.

"That was marvelous!" Pete cheered.

"It's my thing," I said, though it was really the first time I'd played with fire.

"Ye need to get a stage name," Rapunzel man said.

"Like what?"

"Gerl on fire," he suggested.

"That's....alright, I guess.."

"Ye guess? It's a great stage name!"

"If you say so."

I performed with the freak show people for how many months, and I was actually quite enjoying it. Kind of. Being called a freak wasn't pleasant at all, but the people dared not call me a freak, for they respected me and some of the boys even asked me if I would go out with them. I said no, and the burly performancer, whose name was Alec, would shove them away and pull me back inside the tent.

One day, as I was practicing my act, a woman dressed in Victorian clothing came over to see me.

"Hello, I believe your name is Emma Bloom?" the woman said.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied, juggling balls of fire.

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"So...how long have you been able to....make fire with your bare hands?"

"Ever since I was a mere ten year old, ma'am. I am twelve now."

"Mmhm. Has no one told you you were...peculiar?"


"Peculiar. It means different, but in our own unique way. Peculiars have special abilities. I'm a peculiar myself."

She demonstrated by disappearing, and when I looked down, there was a peregrine in her place.

"Is that you, ma'am?!"

The peregrine jumped into the pile of clothes and turned back into the woman.

"Yes, it was me. I'm Alma LeFay Peregrine. I'm an ymbryne. Ymbrynes create loops to protect their wards."

"Uh.....I have no idea what you mean, ma'am."

"I can tell you all about it, my dear." Alma Peregrine said. "First of all, you're a peculiar. You are not a freak. You have a special ability. The ability to create fire with your bare hands. Second, I am an ymbryne, a kind of peculiar that can turn into a bird and create time loops. Loops are exactly what they sound. If it is October 31, the next day is also the 31st of October. Loops are where we hide in to keep safe from hollowgasts or hollows. Hollowgasts were once peculiars that attempted to turn themselves into gods and failed. If they consume enough peculiar soul, or eat enough peculiars, they will turn into wights. W-i-g-h-t-s wights. Wights are seemingly human, if not for their pupil-less eyes."

"But why do we have to hide?"

"Many people here might have accepted the fact that you are a 'freak' even though you are truly aren't. If other people hear about this, they might call you a witch and threaten you."

"But no one has suspected me of anything here!"

"There are other children like you, Miss Bloom." Alma Peregrine said. "And you would be my first ward if you ever join me. I'm on the search for more peculiar children."

"What would Pete and the others say?"

"They'll miss you, but they'll never understand."


My circus friends and I shared a tearful goodbye.

"It's been awfully nice performing with you, Emma. We won't forget you." Pete said.

Miss Peregrine (as she told me to call her) and I walked off, with a sad look in my face.

"Don't worry, you'll meet more children like you soon enough."

"I honestly disliked the thought of being a freak....but I'll miss them a lot," I said.

She nodded, then we walked off to the direction of Swansea.

Peculiar Pasts (an MPHFPC Fanfic because why not) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن