'All right pack, it's time to stop and shift to our human forms,' He instructed calmly. Both sides chose to appear in their human forms because they were less of a threat and less likely to violent outbursts. In wolf form, our inner Wolves were much more difficult to restrain from completely taking over our human side. Also, while Shifting in front of your own pack was common, it was considered inappropriate to show a bare body to a wolf from another pack, especially an enemy pack.

Closing my eyes, I willed my human body back. I felt the dizzying and contracting sensation of fur and claws receding, my bones shifting and melding back into their original form. Originally the process had hurt; now it felt as natural as breathing.

We always tied our clothes to our ankles before Shifting, as the size increase in our ankles was less drastic between forms and it was the most convenient way to bring clothes along. Quickly, each wolf began to dress. I swiftly maneuvered into my bra and panties, followed by a loose pair of pants and shirt. We very rarely wore shoes, unless venturing into human settlements. I turned to the others as they finished the process. Once we were all clothed, we faced Alpha Brett. He was a large, muscular man with golden-brown hair and piercing hazel eyes that his daughter had inherited.

"Ready?" He called out, and we nodded in unison. Through my erupting nervousness I noticed Will's lanky figure come stand by my side. I smiled up at him, grateful for the reassurance.

As a group the fourteen of us began a brisk walk down the path, moving much more quickly than humans would have been able to. As we approached, something began to tickle my nose. Frowning in confusion, I tilted my head and sniffed the air. Several different scents mingled in the air along with my pack's, so it was hard to differentiate, but one in particular stood out. Well that was....strange. It smelled of musk and pine trees and spices, and I found it strangely alluring, drawing me towards it. I couldn't stop sniffing as we continued to approach. It was like all of my favorite scents rolled into one.

After a moment, I noticed Will was looking at me strangely. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, eyes glimmering with amusement. I felt my pale cheeks flush and I instantly looked down. "I don't know." I muttered truthfully. I decided to stop breathing so deeply, for the scent was incredibly intoxicating and distracting, and I couldn't fathom what would cause it.

I heard the different voices before I saw them. My nervousness spiked and I heard heartbeats all around me increasing. I mentally chastised myself; I couldn't let them smell my fear. We had to be strong and keep our pack formidable. I took a few deep calming breaths through my mouth and hoped the others would do the same. The voices of the Black Mountains Pack were relaxed and amused, which was completely unexpected. Then again, they knew they'd be coming out of this ahead.

We entered the clearing. It was bathed in bright silver moonlight. A small stream trickled nearby, and there were a few assorted rocks and boulders around the clearing, which was plenty big to hold all of us and more. In the middle was a slightly tall rock; I assumed that's where the Alpha would stand. I snarled inwardly thinking about it.

And still, the intoxicating scent pressed in all around me, but I couldn't think about that. There were more than a dozen Black Mountains Pack members scattered in a half circle and their hungry eyes were fixed on us. Some stood while some lounged on the boulders nearby.

We spread apart slightly, forming our own half circle, Alpha Brett taking a few steps forward while Jack, the Beta, strode over to stand near him. My father, who had checked in with me numerous times during the journey, shot me a reassuring look before standing near the other two. I tried to relax slightly.

I noticed Will standing close to me and he briefly grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I smiled up at him again; he really was a good friend to have. Slowly, forcing my heartbeat to slow down through my controlled breathing, I turned back to observe the Black Mountains Pack. I'll admit, I was curious what they were like.

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