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Hello guys! I have decided to take a different turn for fantasy instead. I just wanted to make a small author's note here: 

It's really important you read the terminology. As the story progresses, there will be more and more words added to this bank. Most of the words are of Latin background, so for those Latin lovers out there, this will be a piece of cake to read. Still I encourage you to read the terminology just so that you know what is going on, and what each term means in this story.

There is an alternate cover on the side.

Happy readings!



Rise of Sol – rise of the sun (day)

Fall of Sol – fall of the sun (night)

Regnum – Kingdom

Rex – King

Regina – Queen

Princeps – Prince

Filia – princess

Prophest(a) – prophet (f.)

Phase age – age where creatures can shift (puberty)

Corpus – body form, like a human

Creatura – creature form, shifted form

Honoring – ritual for the dead

Pantheral – fierce feline creature with spiked spine

Berserker – demonic bear

Glimmer – magical component that allows transformation to occur amongst creatures

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