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Tania POV

I didn't go back to sleep I couldn't I know if I close my eyes Il see them. So I stay up reading a book I have always enjoy reading it was one of my best Hobbies. It was great to know that they had a library in prison if they didn't I would not survive.

Now I'm in a bus heading home to a town call Lakewood. They don't have a prison there so they send me all the way to California. It wasn't all bad there you know I mean not like in the movies.

The food those suck ass but you survive with it. Now there are woman there who try to fight me    For no reason. They where crazy but I did meet some nice girls there.

For example Elena she was my best fiend. We got in at the same time but she will be out in a month or so I gave her my address to come and look for me because she has no where to go her family turn there back on her just like mine.

The only difference is that at 21 I was already rich. My grandpa before he die he left everything to me only condition was that I get  married before I put my hands on that money. At the mean time I would get money in my account monthly.

My family was Surprise when they read his Testament. They where not expecting anything from him not even for me because he was a grumpy old man that didn't like anyone not even his own own kids.

My family made him like that there so into there money and Bussines that they never gave him the time of day that what he wanted and I gave it to him that every Friday I go to his house and read to him but my family where always in my sister stuff they never notice me.

My parents  disown me of there money when everything happen but I wasn't worried I never really care about there money or grandpas but at end I was happy because if it wasn't for him I would be going home to nothing.

"Last stop Lakewood"

I got my bags and got off the train as I toke a step out my stomach was not feeling good and I can feel my heart beating fast. My head is telling me to leave but heart is telling to stay.

Here goes nothing

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